Drunk Meme

Aug 18, 2010 23:40

Hello, fandom!

I am mildly trashed*.

And by mildly I mean I had a glass of champagne, three cocktails (one with absinthe), and scotch.  17-year-old scotch, natch.

Clearly this means I should do a meme!

To warn y'all, this is an OC meme.

So what you're going to do is give me a fandom1 and a prompt, and I will write it with OCs.

Because I can.

Writing circle gets three prompts, everyone else gets two. I promise to write at least one.

* It was my dad's 54th birthday today.  We're all trashed.

1 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, the Dresden Files (FG or WW),The Matrix (DegSep), Avatar: The Last Airbender

Meme closes when I wake up.

Meme is closed

oh no! more memeings

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