Sep 13, 2014 19:00
Since the rains stopped, I’ve been working outside every day, trying to catch up with the weeds on 3 different jobs- and sometimes in my own garden. I’ve got a lot of plants to put in the ground before it freezes hard, and it’s slow going because I have to weed a spot for each one. We’re also trying to paint the one rental mobile home and that’s a treat. My body is happier crawling in the dirt than it is moving ladders.
I seem to only have three good hours in a day, every other day, so I’ve been pushing myself beyond those limits. Working every single day, trying for 4 or 5 hours. Then I come home, sit down with some tea, and can’t move for a couple of hours. Barely get dinner made and eaten before I’m sound asleep. I can’t brain; I’m behind four book reviews and I’m running out of time on a couple. Don’t want to go beyond the time limit and lose out on being in the Vine program! Despite pushing myself hard, I’m still not as strong as I normally am at this time of year, I assume because of the time with the broken rib. I tried to divide a Siberian iris yesterday and it laughed at me; couldn’t even get the spading fork into it. Might need a backhoe for that job.
I’m tired. I need to work every day to try and make up for not working earlier in the summer, and we need every penny, but part of me is really hoping for early snows! Which wouldn’t really be a good thing- we’re going to have to buy some firewood this year and Tim is already saying we’ll have to keep the house cooler this winter than usual. His knee is still not fit for him to be in the woods, on that uneven ground.
To top things off, the renter where I’m working right now and I were talking about health insurance a couple of days ago, which segued into talk of Social Security. He looked at me and said “What are you, 60?” and I squawked “Not for another 3 1/3 months!!!!!” Nice to know I’m showing my age!