Mar 15, 2023 17:55
The weather continues to be shyte. It rained for two solid days, was clear and nice for one, and today it went back to snowing. I have no idea what will be next- a tornado?
I continue to get nothing done. Laundry, dishes, that's about it. I seriously need to get my ass into town. Tim has been scheduled to work two days a week from here out, even though he is in the computer as not available except on Mondays. And yet there are people there begging for more hours...
The well remains broken; the snow is too deep to drive through and Tim cannot carry all the tools and pieces to fix whatever broke in a five gallon bucket and slodge his way out there on foot. We have water from the well out back, but it doesn't produce like the ag well does. To add to the fun, the switch that turns the well on when the water in the holding tank gets used decided not to work, and the holding tank ran empty. So we spent several days without anyone being able to do laundry, take a long shower (which is the one way guaranteed to make my pain back off), or flush every time one takes a leak. I am pleased to say that we did laundry today, I have gone back to standard flushing protocol, but I still cut the shower short. First world problems.
I have nothing new to talk about. I did the ironing, and the table is cleared enough to do mending, but I decided to do a quick jigsaw puzzle before mending. Really useful.