Today was half-filled with a Teaching and Learning colloquium, followed by lots of little drips and drabs of getting things done, including (but not limited to) finshing revising a paper for re-submission, meeting with Iris to learn about the ins and outs of being a TA, re-evaluating how I'm running my two-year longitudinal study, and drawing a rider sitting on a photo of a motorbike as visual stimuli for an honours student's study. While I'll endevour to keep my LJ largely free of the specifics of running my studies (as I already chronicle it in my personal PhD diary), it might be nice to record some of my thought processes for posterity.
At the risk of mixing my metaphors, I've smelled the derth of participants, pulled my socks up, and decided to abandon principles in favour of pragmatics for my two-year study. This includes widening my sample to include PhD and Master's students (implimented today), and strategically focussing on the conditions I care most about (rather than completely random assignment across all nine conditions - even with postgrad oomph I doubt I'll get 100 participants in the next month. I'll run the study in two blocks - the first when I hit 30 participants (filling the SMS+SMS, Post+Post and Email+Email conditions), the remainder later on. Seeing as the data collection runs for two years, and I need to give myself realistic time for write-up, that latter group has a hard limit of being run by October at the VERY latest.
Hyup. Exciting stuff.
Aaaand here are some things I've drawn since the last update. Good night.
Autograph pls? by ~
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART MedeaWatch by ~
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Epic Negaleg by ~
muffin-wrangler on