This are the sims I summited to this month GOS Promt challenge.
They are all CC free downloads, althouh I think one might sliped away with his eyebrows so remember use cleaninstaller!.
Owner of a local bar, never goes out during the day... at least no one has ever seen him. Neil is a cheerful and friendly guy, he doesn't talk much about himself but he'll be happy to listen to you like any good bartender. His friends nickname him the bat because of his big ears and nose and his small eyes remind them of well a Bat.
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Download Paranoid
And old man that hangs out around the bar certain nights always orders perfectly sealed bottles of liquor and opens them himself never lets his drink out of sight, doesn't really talks to anyone but himself and is quite distrustfull around new people, well actually hi distrust everyone and their motives so he kepts to himself most of the times on his aparment a few blocks away or at the bar in a corner mumbling to himself.
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Download Mr. Hyde
The bar administrator Anna is nice girl, responsible, intelligent, a bit shy, clumpsy, prone to misplaced stuff and memories but overall sweet girl... at least she is most of the times, her friends describe her as to completly different people at times, but that's because she a two very different group friends depeding on her mood the sweet, calm girl that i just describe and then there is party animal, boy crazy, friendly, flashy but highly temperamental Ann. The change between the two is always sudden and unspected and as her friend say she doesn't really notice it happens.
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Download Persephone
Neil's baby sister is a ray sunshine, always caring, helping... she is a little dreamer, but her good nature sometimes get her into trouble by caring and trying to help the wrong kind of people, specially recently that her life has taken a turn for the worse. She adores her older brother and he's very protective of her, but he can't protect her from everything and everyone doesn't matter how hard he tries.
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Download Starling
Don't be fooled by Aderyn cute and tender looks, she is a predator and a good one. This young woman knows what she wants and she'll do what it takes to get it, whether is fortune or romance, she is mostly a practical and direct woman, but she completely capable of being subtle and sneaky.
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