(no subject)

Dec 04, 2006 21:49

Reposting my to do list from last week so I can keep up with everything agian.

Ok, my to-do list for the next three weeks:
[x] Write research paper for English, due Friday
[x] Meet with English teacher about said research paper, Tomorrow
[x] Turn in English journals, due Monday
[x] Write rest of research paper for Gov, due Next Friday
[x] Study for final for Gov, Next Friday
[x] Study for Final for English, Next-Next Friday at 10:30
[x] Focus Questions, due Friday
[x] Study for Final for Psy, Next-Next Monday at 1:30-3:30
[x] Study for Chinese test, Next Friday Wed.
[x] Preform Chinese skit, Next Friday
[x] Lunch at Lao Shi's house, Next-Next Wed? Tuesday
[x] Study for Quiz in Psy, Next Monday
[x] Turn in Workstudy form to get paid, Friday
[x] Write and send out holiday cards
[x] Pack for home for the month long break
[x] Leave for home, Next-Next Friday after lunch/final
[x] Visit Sara after I get home, or at least call, Next-Next Friday
[x] Find out about costs for next semester
[x] Find out about workstudy costs, etc.
[x] Register for Chinese class when it's on the schedule
[x] Think about what I'm going to make for people's holiday gifts
[x] Make sure not to FREEZE!!
[x] Pick up Eddric from airport, Next-Next Saturday

to do list, college, school

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