(no subject)

Nov 28, 2006 23:39

Ya know, I really can't help it. I have two weeks of class left, and bloody hell, there is no way I can concentrate. I have a research paper due for English on Friday, my teacher doesn't understand my topic/thesis and basically I'm screwed. I haven't started writting it yet either. W00t! for that!

I also have another research paper for government due on the 8th, a final to take then for the same class, and I haven't even begun to study and I haven't finished the second half of the paper, or even started the research for the second half, which is, supposdly, the bigger half of the paper. I've also have weeks to do this part, and was supposed to have the final rough draft done oh, two weeks ago. He made it optional, but still. I just can't concentrate on these things. I'm also belately noticing I should have asked for more help from my English teacher for the paper I have to write for Friday. Hm...Damn. Oh well. I've learned?

Ok, so maybe not. While I'll get it done and all that, it's just I'm gonna wait till the last minuet to really do anything, and I'm gonna screw myself over in some way, however, now I just don't care. I'm gonna go talk with my teacher tomorrow, and ask for my grade if I can, and just see what I have. I assume I'm doing alright, as I've gotten B's on all my essays minus one which was an A.

I've really gotten into the holiday spirit this year. I think it's partly cuz I miss everyone and I want to spend my holiday with them. It might also help that it's finally FREEZING up here. I mean, it went from 80 degrees this weekend to oh, uh, 45! degrees at 7 this evening which is unheard of, as that is usually the temperature it is at like, 10 at night. My hall also has the Christmas lights up, and my room does as well, which makes it a bit more festive. I'm just waiting for after this weekend as I'm sure a lot of the neighborhood houses will be putting up their lights as well. There has always been something nice about driving around and seeing all the lights. It makes me happy. I've also been having a lot of hot cocoa, and tea, although not as much tea as I usually do. This maybe due to the fact that I don't like tea without lots of honey, and my honey supply is limited and I can't FIND THE DAMN HONEY IN THE STORE ANYWHERE!!!! I've spent about two hours total looking for the place Ralphs keeps their honey, and I CAN'T FIND IT. Ah well, that is life, and it's not like I can smell my tea anyways, which is also a very big part over my enjoyment of tea. I have officially pulled out a third blanket for my bed, marking the fact that it is officially winter in my mind. I have yet to use the third blanket, but it's out now.

I really cannot wait for the semester to end. While I despise my final schedule, as I have a final Monday, and then the other on Friday, and nothing to do Tue, Wed, or Thurs, I might be able to pick up on more work during those three days that will give me more money for school. Which reminds me that I need to stop by the finiance office to see if I lose money for not working, or if it rolls over into next semester, which I very well hope it does, as I believe I'm kinda way behind on hours due to only working about oh, you know, 4 a week. However, I really do like working there, and I have learned even more this year than I did last year, and I love it due to the fact that since I know more of what I'm doing than anyone else, I get to be a leader and tell people what to do and how to do it. It's rather fun.

Ok, my to-do list for the next three weeks:
[x] Write research paper for English, due Friday
[x] Meet with English teacher about said research paper, Tomorrow
[x] Turn in English journals, due Monday
[x] Write rest of research paper for Gov, due Next Friday
[x] Study for final for Gov, Next Friday
[x] Study for Final for English, Next-Next Friday at 10:30
[x] Focus Questions, due Friday
[x] Study for Final for Psy, Next-Next Monday at 1:30-3:30
[x] Study for Chinese test, Next Friday Wed.
[x] Preform Chinese skit, Next Friday
[x] Lunch at Lao Shi's house, Next-Next Wed? Tuesday
[x] Study for Quiz in Psy, Next Monday
[x] Turn in Workstudy form to get paid, Friday
[x] Write and send out holiday cards
[x] Pack for home for the month long break
[x] Leave for home, Next-Next Friday after lunch/final
[x] Visit Sara after I get home, or at least class, Next-Next Friday
[x] Find out about costs for next semester
[x] Find out about workstudy costs, etc.
[x] Register for Chinese class when it's on the schedule
[x] Think about what I'm going to make for people's holiday gifts
[x] Make sure not to FREEZE!!

holidays, english, college, school, gov, christmas, to-do list

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