Live Journal relevations and Arbys Curly Fries

Sep 04, 2001 00:38

So I've been hearing alot of hooplah about Live Journals. It all Started when someone asked "So, have you read *.*'s live Journal? You're in it!" I checked it out, and lo and behold I was reading someone's concerns about me. Apparently this can be construed as a violation of privacy.
A few months later I began reading one or two others fairly regularly. Over time I came to realize that it is only really appropriate to comment on someones' journal *in* their journal. So much etiquette to learn!
I guess it is also in poor form to repeat yourself. I would like to thank Iron Mary Kidd for making it possible to expose myself to more people than ever. As my Debut I would like to expound briefly on the dangers of alcohol.
Sweet, sweet alcohol! Dark mistress of my recent nights it imparts charm, eloquence, and the ability to distend ones jaw to the point where limbs disappear with ease into the Gaping Maw. When your intake for the evening consists of 4 beers, 1/3 of a bottle of scotch and a Vermouth nightcap, some discretion is in order. Birth control should help.
Apparently birth control and smoking (especially in conjunction with Sweet, Sweet alcohol) can cause blood clots and strokes. On the plus side I won't have to worry about becoming pregnant. What with being promiscuous and all.
Okay, I'm side tracking. Alcohol Is like Arby's Curly fries...
No! Wait! LOVE! Love is like Arby's curly Fries! The seasoned salt is passion. Passion and Lust! And it's good! It's Tasty and Zesty! But, my friends, Lust is insubstantial! It will suck the juices right out of you! Leave you withered and thirsting for something more. The curly fries themselves carry this burden from your fingers to your lips, and Yea it is good. This backbone of taste and harbinger of longevity and lingering desire is friendship. The curly fries of friendship and the seasoned salt of desire come together in a fury of Gods' own rapture! Testify!
But my friends, I must tell you this... With out trust- TRUST! The red and yellow box of reason and fortitude, there to absorb the grease of misunderstanding, there can be no goodness of the curly fries. They will scatter through your fingers, the Satan grease tormenting your mortal Flesh as you see all that you have purchased with your time and celestial currency fall to scattered carnage upon the stained and scuffy floor of regret.
The BOX of trust, holding the FRIES of friendship, preserving the TANGY ZIP of passion- My friends, This is the true way to God and Good sex. Avoid the clown. Arbys is the true path.
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