Apr 07, 2012 19:06
Technically 23rd given flight times But vacation is really just from April 9th (Monday) to the 22nd (Sunday).
Time for anything has been all eaten up with packing and checking if have everything and papers, so on. Only thing left to check is to confirm my flight, which is only possible max a day before the said flight, so only Easter Sunday can I know.
Will be a semi long scale flight, landing in two airports and three planes each direction. Will be visiting a relatively recent friendship (of around two to three years I think) for these two weeks.
Lots of things have been popping up before hand however, kittens had been born (leaving those in the care of my mother and brother, seriously hope they'll be alive when I get back), doujins also to arrive (I think if not on the day of my flight the day after, also hope that isn't poked into).
I won't be too accessible during these two weeks, if needed, leave me a message here or to those that know it, email me, and I'll get to you as I can.
I'll be attempting during some free time to work on my Draconis project, even if just sketches and more ideas for it.
I will be cosplaying while there, all most all my cosplay(s) are going: ALaws!Neil from Gundam 00; Casual season 1 Neil with Eye patch also from Gundam 00; Kotetsu T Kaburagi aka Wild Tiger from Tiger&Bunny (civil version, though missing cap and vest, but might be lent those, despite can do some shoots without as well); H-01 aka Black Tiger also from Tiger and Bunny (however without my weapon) and one new one of Yuri Petrov also from Tiger & Bunny. Basically just not taking my Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara cosplay. xD
Chances I'll only upload the butt load of photos when I get back since I might tweak edit some as well.
Also thinking I might send things in the mail back, depending on what and how much I spend there, but I'm hoping not to since kinda want to avoid spending if possible (only two definite buys, one which is lamely a game [DMC HD collection for PS3, would be cheaper buying it in dollar xD] other being a need not mentioning here xD).
Once back I'll be trying to get back on track to some things that have been put off due to random shifts into temporary Full Time at work and then events popping up on me. One being scans and edits of said scans.
Note: mood is due to a huge headache which I think is from lack of decent sleep. Fun.