Gift fics for
eriea! Because she was hungry for fics... ^_^
Hope you like them!!! XD
NiouYagyuu. Promt: If you can’t be a good example, you’d better be a horrible warning
“This is the last time Niou-kun! The last warning as well! I swear. Next time you pull off a stunt like that it means you’re out of the tennis team.”
She sees the boy’s face fall. It is the only thing that can keep him in check. Tennis.
“What did she say?”
Yagyuu knows the answer though. He has seen it on his face the moment he stepped out of the building.
“If you can’t be a good example, you’d better be a horrible warning.”
Niou looks up and smiles.
“True, but perhaps I should hold back for a while.”
The End
AN: I wanted Niou to add in his mind: ‘At least until after the Nationals’
But I had my 100 words already. And secondly… He couldn’t give up on tennis anyway. Nationals finished or not. ^_^ If I added the comment it might have looked as if tennis didn’t matter anymore after the Nationals… And that is sooo not true!! XD
TeFu. Promt: Si tu veux être heureux, oublie la logique
He wonders still. It doesn’t make sense. There is no logic, not one bit, in his actions. One moment he says ‘white’. The other moment it is ‘black’.
“I found my way of living Mitsu. Just like you found yours. Are you telling me you want me to change?”
I shake my head but he continues before I can respond.
“I thought you loved me the way I was…”
I kiss him silent.
“Si tu veux être heureux, oublie la logique…”
Our eyes lock. And my arms around him tighten. He knows I understand French.
“That is my motto Mitsu…”
The End
Well, the other two will have to wait untill tomorrow, seeing I'm being chased from the computer, since my sister needs it for studying for her exams... ^_^ (Why, oh why, doesn't our laptop haven't internet connection...?!? ^_^;;)
Please, tell me what you think of my 2 100 word drabbles... XD
~ Kana ~