Monthly VAMPS 12 translation

Sep 18, 2009 14:33

I translated the interview with Hyde from the Monthly VAMPS 12 issue. It's under the section "Break H's Taboo" and they always ask him about a special topic. This time the topic was "love" and thus really interesting. Hyde talks about things like his first date (cuteness ahead!) and what he likes in a girl.
There are some WTF-Hyde-moments as well, but overall he's just adorable. And I like his answers much more than I would have liked Gackt's. Ahem. Whatever.

Monthly VAMPS Vol. 12
Break H's Taboo
Could you tell me your view regarding love?

- This time, for the last monthly issue, I'd really like [to talk about] "First love ~ your view regarding love". I thought that this might be exactly the thema that the readers want to hear about.
HYDE: (while gazing into the distance) First love ne... Something like a first love, what might that be~.

- It feels like its getting very poem-like. (laughs)
HYDE: If I think about it, [the feeling of] liking the opposite sex was there since kindergarden, ne. But it was on that kind of level that you wanted to go home [walk the way home] together with the girl. [lit. he said child, but since he was refering to the opposite sex earlier I assume he's talking about a girl here... obviously] But because the house of the girl I liked was basically next to the kindergarden, it was like we arrived there too soon and I didn't really get to walk together with her. So I always went home together with a girl that lived next to us [lit. my house]. We did things like catching frogs together. I didn't really like her, but around [the time of] middle school she turned into such a beautiful girl, that I totally didn't get it~. [lit. it turned into something that he didn't understand anymore] Because she turned from a tadpole into a frog, ne. (laughs) [lol way to go, Hyde. You usually don't describe how beautiful a girl becomes by comparing it to the transformation from a tadpole to a frog....]

- At that time [lit. the time when he was in kindergarden], you didn't think yourself that it was love, right?
HYDE: That's right. It probably wasn't love, that.

- Since when did you start to become aware of it? [love, obviously]
HYDE: If we take it precisely, when it reached the level where it hurt [lit. when it became so serious that pain was involved], wasn't that the time around the fifth grade of primary school? But I don't remember much... Around the fifth or sixth grade there was that girl I liked...

- That was your first love?
HYDE: Mah, it probably was my first love, that [girl] ne. I had a crush on her. [lit. It was a crush] She wasn't that beautiful, but her spirit/nature/temper was cute. [Could I say] that she was a bit of a leader [type]? She was that kind of person who gave of the feeling of a gentle older sister, ne. But that she liked xxx-kun was fine with me, because everyone knew it [lit. it was a popular / well known story], so I didn't confess to her and kept it to myself.

- It's a faint memory, isn't it.
HYDE: It's faint, ne. That girl, I think she was Christian. Now I remember the lines she said back then. Like at the time when the pope came to visit Japan, she said things like "He is the person who is closest to God, that man", "Isn't it great". (laughs)

- So, back then were girls that had a leadership [girls that had the role of a leader] an out standing type for you?
HYDE: Absolutely. After that came her looks. I think [a girl's] looks were very important to me.

- Mah, the looks [of a girl] are important to all adolescent boys, aren't they?
HYDE: But even if she got looks, the looks that matter to me might not be what everyone would call beautiful. Maybe she isn't that fancy and her face could be simple/inconsoicuous.

- The women [you describe] give of the impression of someone simple and clean, don't they?
HYDE: That's right, ne.

- Well, let's go a little bit more into detail now. When was your first date and what kind of situation was it?
HYDE: First date? U~n ne, it was something along the lines of going cycling. (laughs) We rode on our bikes for a while, to something like a park nearby the sea. That was when I was in middle school. At that moment, (to some extent) I thought we had a relationship, but when I think about it now, it was nothing like a relationship.

- A date where you ride to the sea on your bikes, it somehow feels like that is "youth", doesn't it? Since it was your first date, did it leave any lasting impressions on you? [lit. have any striking impressions remained]
HYDE: Somehow ne. Ah, the most striking impression that remained was that she made a bentou for me and she also put onigiri into it, ne. And when I ate it [I noticed that] she hadn't put anything into the onigiri. Surely, there are also onigiri like that around? But because I had never eaten those before, it was a culture shock, ne. I was like "Eh? She's that kind of girl?" (laughs) When you're in a relationship with someone for the first time, your common sense fails you, ne. Maybe it was the different common sense that shocked me. That of the opposite sex, that of the other's family.

- That adolescene passes by, and when you become an adult your view regarding women and love slowly changes, doesn't it. What do you think about it lately?
HYDE: That's right~. Back then, because I didn't exactly know much about girls, I had the feeling that wasn't it cuter if they walked about three steps behind me. Why was that? It was porbably something like a longing to lord over her, ne. [lit. he means the way husbands lorded over their wifes] Somehow, I probably lived in the illusion that it'd be cool, ne. But now that illusion is decaying, ne. It's like "how is that a good thing?" (laughs) After all, I think that to me searching for a comfortable style is connected to [my own] preference/liking/taste. There are different ideals probably, but in fact, even if you meet the person of your dreams, whether you're really comfortable with one another or not is another problem altogether. The person of your dreams is not necessarily comfortable with your own idea of comfort, ne. That is why when I was young there were a lot of persons who were ideal [to me], but the more I grew up [lit. became older] the more that ideal became clear. [the range of persons who're ideal to Hyde grew smaller] Things I don't need get reduced and what remains in the end is really limited. Like being comfortable with being together. There are people who think of being comfortable as bad, but it's not about leading a comfortable life, it's more about feeling mentally at peace. [lit. that your soul is at peace] I think that's where you have to distinguish.

- Because there are also people who think being comfortable means being convenient, ne.
HYDE: That's not what it means, [but] if I'm together [with someone] and if I can be myself [ usual self] then that's how it should be~. That was already my opinion ne, though it has been a hot topic these ten years. It's connected to a recent story/thing, but I think that rather than the men leading it would be better if women led. Not in the way of "walking three steps behind", but more like "petticoat government". [lit. women should wear the pants so to say] But I think that what you mustn't confuse it with is that for women it's not about their shape. [lit. physical condition] As for men, when they fight, they're definitely strong. When the partner goes too far with an argument [lit. utters an extreme argument] they become fierce/wild animals. But because the reason for that wildness is that he likes you, don't stretch out your hand and be gentle. [just imagine yourself next to a wild tiger] However, women are ignorant to that, and don't fully get it. Of course there are also men who are afraid of their [own] existance, but because they also exist to protect you, I think that if you don't respect that in some way, the relationship won't work well, ne. Because no matter what mean things she says on the surface it's okay if women somewhere respect men. If it's not like that, you can't say that it is a good relationship.

- If men realize that they're respected, the way they present their love to their partner changes and their attitude towards them changes, too, ne. Well then, let's change the subject a bit [lit. change the direction of the story], what do you think about all the female fans who adore you to no end? Do you think that they mean they "love" you?
HYDE: Of course, I'm happy and thankful that they tell me "I like/love you", but I think that it's impossible to have a romance with them. [VERY loosely translated] That's why for me, what I can give to them [lit. to the women] is of course the concerts, but I think the fundamental thing really is that I make good music. I think that looks are somehow important, too, but to put in an extreme argument, even if there were a lot of cool people wouldn't they slowly disappear? [lit. disappear more and more, 'cause if all of them are so cool, one cool person wouldn't stand out for you to see him] That's why I don't want to be that cool actually. The people who faded were obviously lacking something and although they had talent I wonder "just how much effort did they put into creating a piece of work?". That's why everytime female fans tell me that they like/love me I'd like it if it was for my music rather than my visual appearance. I keep believing that it's like this. So that I don't make mistakes producing music, I always give it everything I have and I think that this is what I can give back to the girls. It's important that you always produce a piece of which you can think "I did it! I composed good music!" and of course you can't continue making music if only one person likes it, but it's not like 10 out of 10 people have to like it either. When my female fans tell other people the reason for why they like me, I'd like it to be an answer like "Because he makes good music, of course!".

NOTE: Please DON'T post this elsewhere without my permission.

hyde, vamps, translation

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