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Jun 08, 2010 18:10

Haven't updated for a week, so here's an explanation. About a week and a half ago Ashley phoned to ask whether it'd be okay for him to come over for a sort of revision/fun party, but then a few days later he phoned to say that stuff was going down at his place and asked if he could stay at mine for a week. Asked my parents and they said it was fine.

I'll try to post the events chronologically but honestly everything sort of ran together because we were staying up late and I pulled two ghosters in the space of a week so my brain is all like "huh?"

Anyway... we did, stuff... I guess the first day for a few hours but I do remember we went to Tesco at 12.30 and found it was closed (Bank Holiday Monday was technically over, but y'know whatever XD) so we wasted two hours walking around... only we'd been discussing zombie apocalypses earlier that day so we were a little freaked out.

Next day Ashley showed me Borderlands, which is a really fun game and a lot better than I'd have given it credit for. Pretty sure we browsed the net a little too and this was the start of me not really keeping up with my LJ. I was reading but didn't have time to comment or was too distracted, etc.

Next day was Glee so we started out with that. Can't believe it's the finale in America tonight (So, tomorrow here for us watching it online). It feels so short but it's been a great ride and I just know the final episode is gonna kick ass. Besides, there's fic to keep us all going til season 2 starts airing ^^

Watched a lot of vids on thatguywiththeglasses.com and a vid by Film Brain led us to The Asylum; a movie studio that produces really low budget rip-offs of blockbuster movies. It seemed so fun we decided to track down and watch War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave. Some of the campest fleeing and most blatantly reused footage I've ever seen in a film :D

Ashley had been doing a lot of playing X-Box while I was on the computer (which seems to be our default pattern) but then we started playing Rockband and it was actually a lot of fun since the band campaign is different to the solo career mode.

Yasmin's moved in with her sister Kaylie and they were having a housewarming party so we bought some booze and headed into town to meet Yasmin and Midge before walking there. Yasmin's friend Simon (Who I met at the party in the park to celebrate the end of school) was there too and we had some fun until Kaylie's mates showed up and basically kicked us into the sideroom.

We still had fun, we just sat about chatting and drinking. I finished the SoCo and coke I started with (Ashley bought the SoCo, personally I found it gross and had to keep topping up the coke to finish it) and then moved onto WKD. Midge felt a little queasy and so went to sit outside, we followed and while out there decided to walk to Broadfield's Tesco.

Took us about an hour to get to McDonald's, we were still in high spirits, and so we stopped off there to get stuff to eat. Simon bought me a McFlurry since I didn't have any money; I tied his shoes for him in return since his laces had come undone but he was too unstable to risk bending down. Took us about fifteen minutes to make it to Tesco after that because we found a trolley on the way and pushed Midge in it.

When we got there Yasmin had forgotten what Kaylie asked her to pick up for her, so she phoned but Kaylie had forgotten; so we picked up a 12 pack of Smirnoff Ice and made our way back.

Settled down in the side-room again to keep drinking for another couple of hours, but after that everyone was leaving or wanting to go to sleep. We reclaimed the front room and Yasmin and Midge took the sofabed; Simon laid out on some cushions with his quilt on top; Ashley and I were supposed to share the airbed, but the thing was so deflated I decided pretty quickly it'd be easier to stay up the whole night.

Watched TV and mocked the clothing on Gok Wan's fashion runway show thingy while trying to pick a movie; in the end Ashley put My Friend Totoro on, but then got pissy when we were mocking it. Only Ashley and I stayed awake to the end of the movie and he fell asleep after that.

In the morning Midge had to leave early so Yasmin went with her to the bus station. Simon, Ashley and I claimed the sofabed and put the original Dawn of the Dead on. Yasmin made it back about halfway through and watched to the end, then she, Ashley and Simon tried to play Halo 3 on Legendary difficulty setting and I refused all attempts to get me to try; since I'm bad enough at FPSs on normal difficulty.

Went to leave at about 2:30, but then Ashley realized he'd lost his wallet so we had to walk all the way back to Tesco to check if he'd left it there. He hadn't, so then we had to walk back to mine. It was 4:30 by the time we got to mine and it was boiling hot that day and I was a little hungover so I felt lousy.

Lazed about the next day like normal, Sam and Ashley played Borderlands together and Sam really got into the game. At about six Ashley and I had to do three days worth of dishes because Mum and Dad had gone away for a few days and we didn't exactly stay on top of the housework. At about three in the morning we decided to watch Rent, I still don't know why.

Next day Ashley had gotten into Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and was playing that while I read a really bad Scrubs fanfic and MST3Kd it. I'm considering producing a written spork for the badfic_quotes comm. If that one goes well there's a bad Psych fic I remember I'd like to send up too.

Once again nothing of signifigance happened, we really should have revised for our English Lit. exam but didn't. That was today. It didn't go terribly and I know even if Ashley hadn't been round I'd probably have gotten about the same amount of revision done anyway.

writing: fanfic, friend: midge, sixth form: english literature, tv: scrubs, friend: yasmin, game: borderlands, website: livejournal, film: rent, friend: ashley, tv: glee

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