Jan 01, 2010 19:20
Did one of these last year, so might as well keep the tradition.
This year I wrote:
Big Wolf on Campus:
A Mother Always Knows
National Treasure:
Love Letters From The Pen of Riley Poole
Brokeback Mountain:
Always and Forever (Cancelled)
Corporate Greed Day
Five Times The Scoobies Found Out About Giles and Xander (And One Time They Didn't)
Comfort Food
Naughty Dreams
What's In A Name?
The Sight (WIP)
Jimmy/Bo 100 Fics (WIP)
Original Fiction:
Unnamed fic for the school library competition
Original Poetry:
The Weird Kid
A Repressed Message
And now the questions:
Favourite Fic: What's In A Name? One of my more recent works, I just like my characterisation. Could do with tidying up in terms of punctuation but still a pretty good fic, if I do say so myself.
Least Favourite Fic: Always and Forever. It's actually sort of painful to read this back it's so badly done. My opinion of it just turned sour the more time went by.
Hardest To Write: All my stuff this year has gone pretty well actually, none were too hard. I guess as my current WIP I'd have to pick The Sight, but even that isn't too difficult to work at.
Easiest To Write: My poetry. Most of it's just a way to vent so I wasn't too fussed about form etc.
The Story Most Underappreciated By The Universe: My poetry's on DeviantArt and as Hanna once said "Submitting work to DA is a lot like dropping a golden nugget into a big pile of golden nuggets. Everything's so shiny yours isn't going to stand out."
Most Fun Story: My Jimmy/Bo drabbles are fun to write when I get in the mood. It's gonna take me a long time to reach 100 but I enjoy myself when I do get into that odd mindset that makes me want to write them.
Sexiest Story: Naughty Dreams. Incubus induced intercrural intercourse is incredibly indecent =D
Biggest Surprise: I suppose The Sight, though none of my fics really came from nowhere this year. It's an interesting new style of writing I'm experimenting with.
Looking back, did you write more fic this year? Less? Or about as much as you thought you would? Less, far less. I've been busy with school and my social life so much this year that I neglected my writing for large periods of time until fests would produce a deadline for me to work to which really gave me some much needed energy and enthusiasm.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you'd never have predicted a year ago? Buffy. I used to see BTVS as this oppressive force in fandom that I swore I'd steer clear of, but Hanna got me watching and I realized exactly why BTVS is such an active fandom and joined in wholeheartedly.
Greatest Risk Taken: Applying for three fics during spring_with_xan when I had school to be getting on with and had only written one short Buffy fic before.
What are your goals for this year? Try to be consistent in the amount of time I dedicate to my writing. Finish up the notes for my long-ass fic idea.
writing: original,
writing: fanfic,
writing: poetry