Oct 15, 2008 23:04
hey guys
today sucked this morning. actually got up though and went to my 2 classes :) they were alrightttt. after them i went to the book store to try and get my eco book. i talked to the lady in the bookstore and she said to go to the returns/buybacks window so i was lke alright...but first i bought the book 'speak'. i read it in 9th grade and really liked it bc i actually read it haha. so now i own it :D
so anyways, i went to the returns window and asked the lady and she was like.. uhmm..didnt we hear about this lke a month ago? and this guy goes 'how did you get this far without it?' and i was like uhm well we've only had one hw assignment out of it so far so i didnt really need it....and then the lady has the nerve to say "hah...thats what they said to me last time" [which i know for a fact is wrong bc hello, i'm the one taking the course you stupidddd lady] so then the lady asked if i at least had the receipt from the pre pack and i said no, its at home. and she goes, yeahh well then we def can't do anything and i was like UGHGHGHH and started to tear up so i just got outta there as fast as i could...then outside i dropped my ipod ugh and so then i called ian and he didnt know i was crying so then we hung up and he texted me and i was like 'yeah just had a really bad morning' so he calls me back and asks me to tell him about it so i did and thats when i started to really really cry and he was being nice and helpful :)
so then i went to the room and just watched lke 2 OC episodes and after that it was about either 11 or 12. i am gonna say 12....and i took a nap! til 1:30 :) then i didnt get up though til like 2:15 for some reason and then i got ready for eco class and wentttt and yeahhhh....got out 10 minutes early so that was cool
after class i got my starbucks and went to the room and chilled online and watched tv and stuff
havent been doin much. watched another OC and then the top model i missed last week and have been ichatting with ian since about 7 or so.
at 8 i watched the top model ep which was only a recap and unseen footage. then 9-11 watched the island and now i'm watchin family guy and talkin to ian. he thinks i'm talking to someone while typing this but i'm not and he doesnt believe me but i feel weird telling him about this repeatedly. sigh. alright well i may turn in early tonight
sigh....luckily only one class tomorrow. though i've missed 2 days of notes for it :(
i feel like getting domino's tomorrow. i've been wanting it all week. sigh. maybe i will