garhhhhh mimes

Oct 13, 2008 23:35

hey guys

ughhh today sucks. i miss home. i miss ian. i miss not having to worry about stupid college. ughghghghghghhghggh

so today thank god i got to sleep in til lke 2 is when i actually got up though i woke up a few times previous to that including at 11 when ian called me.

so when i got up i chilled for a lil bit then got ready for my eco class.....i out at 3:30 woooo! then stopped at the bookstore to try and get my eco book and the lady said i can bring my old one and may be able to switch it. so i went back to my room but didnt go back to the store with the book bc i am too lazy. so i just went to the room and started unpacking slash talking online

then yeaaah...i did nothing.....then watched 3 OC episodes....then ichatted with ian the rest of the night til now and i am very very upset here and dont wanna be here and wanna be home or with ian. and want a school with astronomy :(

sighghghghgh. dont wanna go to lame-o philosophy tomorrow. gah!

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