I wanna wanna weekend!!!

Jan 31, 2009 11:24

This weekend is jam-packed with household chores and work, and the past week has been stressful, but whaddya know, I am actually making progress with my work load! *and angels break into song overhead*

I promise myself to be on my best behavior this weekend and in the coming week, scheduling my days and getting so organized that grimlock88 would be proud of me, hehe. This is probably the only way I can justify (to myself, as nobody really needs me to do so) taking the next weekend off for scrap date at a friend's home. :D

The scrap area's almost completely organized, the laundry list fixed, the printer installed, the marketing plan framed, the PCMC project speeding along, the computer and printer properly installed, the cd collection thinned out and organized (almost), and the household finances stashed away in their respective envelopes.

Now, all i have to do is:
  • flesh out the marketing plan
  • finish the PCMC directors profile
  • plan the menu for the next two weeks
  • order Chinese for the dinner party at Krix' place
  • plan vet visits for Billie
  • organize, encode/rewrite loose papers
  • conceptualize and write on my business/foodie/domestic blogs (to be launched!)
  • take the dirty laundry to the cleaners
  • wash delicates
  • re-order the pantry
  • schedule with Ceia to visit
  • put away the last of the cds
  • re-organize the kitchen
  • bake cookies for Lara's officemates' orders
  • put away the newly washed laundry
  • shop for groceries
  • buy socks and stuff for Big Bunny
  • make sure the cats get their drops
On top of the daily cleaning and household chores.  Somewhat swamped.  BUT!  I get to scrap next weekend, WOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!
Plus it's almost Valentines...what to do????
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