Funny depressing shit

Jan 28, 2009 15:48

I find it weird that most Pinoys don't consider small denomination coins money. (for friends in not in the Philippines, we have tiny ten and five-cent pieces that look like copper) Kids use them as weights for sipa, jeepney drivers decorate their dashboard with them, and most people would just not bother with them.

I believe that these small coins are still money, and over time, are valuable when collected. Hello, a twenty-five cent piece is just two tens and a five, after all. But I don't bother other people with this opinion - even though most people get rich by knowing that cents are still pesos in tiny pieces.

I was, however, taken aback this afternoon when, on the jeep ride back to work after lunch, the driver took my hand and put two ten cents and a five into my hand. The coins were part of my fare (seven pesos and 50 cents) and had been taken out of my wallet earlier (it's not safe to pull out wallets in public transport). With a compassionate nod and a smile, the driver says "Hija, isosoli ko ka lang ito, ha? Mukha kasing mas kailangan mo." (Little girl, I'm giving this back to you because it seems that you need it more.)

Er... thanks, manong. I think.


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