Dec 08, 2002 20:40
hello again.
Have a convo. (between me and ashley regarding the jake thing- even tho there really isn't a "thing" but whatever)
xSexyDeadChickx: hey
Starr Ravena: hello ashley
xSexyDeadChickx: hi
Starr Ravena: and how are you today?
xSexyDeadChickx: good and you?
Starr Ravena: I am quite well thankyou. I am posting a comment in your livejournal, I will tell you when it was sent. I think it may be very worthwhile for you to check it out.
xSexyDeadChickx: so how is levi?
Starr Ravena: I do not know. I am not his keeper. I am sure he is well though, because he is still alive
Starr Ravena: on his behalf I thank you for your concern about his well being
xSexyDeadChickx: well maybe he should know that you want jake or it seems like it im some shape or form
Starr Ravena: um, sure. You believe what you want to believe.
Starr Ravena: I don't really care what you think
xSexyDeadChickx: but your telling everyone you dont know jake
Starr Ravena: I have never met him
xSexyDeadChickx: well you always want to hangout with him and shit
Starr Ravena: he has called me from tiffany's
Starr Ravena: she dialed my number
Starr Ravena: and handed him the phone
Starr Ravena: and I refused to talk to him until he gave the phone to tiffany
Starr Ravena: that was the extent of my conversations with him
xSexyDeadChickx: fuck that i dont beleave it. you're always trying to ruin everything in my life and shit
Starr Ravena: I doubt that I would have the ability to find him sexually appealing in any way
Starr Ravena: okay
Starr Ravena: believe what you will
xSexyDeadChickx: oh i will trust me
xSexyDeadChickx: i guess you told sarah that you didnt know who jake was
xSexyDeadChickx: so your not just fuckin around with me to make my life a living hell your doing it to everyone else
Starr Ravena: Ashley. What level have you stooped to?
Starr Ravena: this amount of animosity is fully unnecessary
xSexyDeadChickx: why do you care
xSexyDeadChickx: ?
Starr Ravena: Trust me, I really only care about other people's lives when they somehow intersect with my own
xSexyDeadChickx: wow i dont beleave that
xSexyDeadChickx: that is bull shit
Starr Ravena: just so you know.
Starr Ravena: Jake has already cheated on you
Starr Ravena: and I have never met him
Starr Ravena: NEVER
Starr Ravena: so
Starr Ravena: that pulls me out of the equation
Starr Ravena: I think u need to inspect the people you "trust" more closely
xSexyDeadChickx: come on no one fuckin trust you but maybe tiff you have gotten her to distrust you before
Starr Ravena: sad that people can not believe the truth
Starr Ravena: maybe the truth is really only a figment of our imagination...
Starr Ravena: maybe you're not the only one in denial
Starr Ravena: maybe we all are
Starr Ravena: or maybe your in denial because your REALLY worried that I AM telling the truth. Maybe i'm NOT out to ruin your life.
Starr Ravena: what if you life just sucks on it's OWN?
Starr Ravena: check your livejournal eventually
Starr Ravena: there is an explanatory reply in there
Starr Ravena: I had to do it anonymously, because my email is not "validated" or some such
xSexyDeadChickx: trust me i know somethings that you dont know that i would ever find out but you know what you can try what you wanna do but it is not going to fuckin work on me alright so lay off
xSexyDeadChickx: the whole fuckin matt deal you did confess that to me and dont say you didnt
xSexyDeadChickx: another question.... how would you know that jake cheated on me if you never talk to him or ever see him huh?
Starr Ravena: I haven't ever met him
Starr Ravena: but keep in mind
Starr Ravena: when someone cheats...
Starr Ravena: there's usually TWO people involved in that process
Starr Ravena: I don't have to know HIM
Starr Ravena: Now, what could you possibly know that I haven't already covered?
Starr Ravena: because I know the other one involved
Starr Ravena: I can't believe I had to spell that out for you
Starr Ravena: come on ashley
Starr Ravena: I know you have a brain, use it
xSexyDeadChickx: wow for some reason your being a BITCH.... oh wait thats nothing new....
Starr Ravena: you can't possibly be so willing to ALWAYS blame me.
Starr Ravena: even when I was you BEST FRIEND
Starr Ravena: my word meant nothing to you
Starr Ravena: and yes, it means less now.
Starr Ravena: but... maybe ... it wasn't me
Starr Ravena: maybe I fucked up once... and moved on
Starr Ravena: but matt wasn't a fuck up
Starr Ravena: he loved me
Starr Ravena: and I loved him
xSexyDeadChickx: you took him and fuckin made out with him when we where going out and you said you did nothing!
Starr Ravena: do u remember when we were down in his basement. you two were going out...
him: "I love you Lisa... I mean... ashley"
Starr Ravena: oh, at first i DIDN'T do anything
Starr Ravena: you just kept pressing and pressing and pressing that I had
Starr Ravena: u ruined it for yourself ashley
Starr Ravena: after we DID... it changed nothing
Starr Ravena: NOTHING
Starr Ravena: u didn't believe at first when I hadn't done anything wrong. I had lost your friendship by that point already
Starr Ravena: wait? friendship?
Starr Ravena: I sat at your house and cried when my grandpa had died, and you ignored me. yah. friendship I guess
Starr Ravena: either way.
Starr Ravena: I considered you my friend
Starr Ravena: and I lost that, because of what YOU thought happened... so I made it happen, because what was the point of NOT? you didn't trust me anyway
xSexyDeadChickx: whatever i dont feel like dealing with your bitchy bullshit! just talking to you made me sick to my stomic!
Starr Ravena: just because u now know the truth?
Although my friend admitted to having been the one he cheated on her with.... she still told me I am bitchy and I made her sick to her stomach, and signed off.
lol. whatever. at least the truth is out now. goodbye.