Catching up

Sep 02, 2009 13:48

It's a short trip from Harley's place to where Sarah and Doc Schreber live, and Rat's grateful for it. He doesn't leave until after dinner, and even then he's reluctant, but it seems like a good idea to go poke his head in and say hello. He hobbles up the front walk, a tall figure that's clumsy on his crutches. They'll probably hear him getting up ( Read more... )

sarah, markus, dark! plot, daniel

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sarah_branigan September 2 2009, 22:04:45 UTC
Sarah and Daniel are home, but it takes a minute or so for her to answer the door. "Markus!" She smiles warmly and gives him a gentle hug before helping him inside. "I called the hospital today and they said you were discharged. It's good to see you up and about." Even if that requires the assistance of crutches.

"Daniel," she calls out. "It's Markus." Absently she tucks some loose strands of hair back into her bun, although her hair isn't so much disheveled as lovingly tousseled.


dr_schreber September 3 2009, 00:11:52 UTC
Schreber has been trying to catch up on the paperwork but he's not so good at concentrating since he came back. His wrist is getting better but still wrapped up in a light bandage until it finishes healing. It looks like they all got kicked around a little. He limps into the kitchen doorway and then looks guilty and worried when he sees crutches. "Hell-oh! Oh... dear. Do sit down? Can I get you an...ything?"


call_me_rat September 3 2009, 00:18:02 UTC
Hugs are awkward, but he's always glad for them. Then he hobbles inside on the tallest crutches ever, extended to their full height. Both ankles are bandaged, and although he's using one more than the other he's walking on both feet. "Yeah, sorry, I visited Harley and April first..." He blushes, just a little, and for the moment Sarah will be left to interpret that as she may. "Are you two doing okay?"

He'll just head for the couch, being careful in case there's a Cleo around, and sitting down is a clumsy process. "I'm okay, thanks. I just had dinner."


sarah_branigan September 3 2009, 00:36:48 UTC
"As you should have," she replies to Markus with a grin. "How are they doing?" Inwardly, she's relieved that he spent some time with Harley. Hopefully they have grown closer after their experience and any potential for a love triangle has been squashed flat. None of them need that kind of drama.

Clio is fortunately not on the couch. In fact, she looks a little afraid of Markus, until he sets his crutches aside. Then she recognizes him, and hops into his lap, purring. "We're..." Sarah trails off and looks over at Daniel. "Yes, I think so."


dr_schreber September 3 2009, 00:53:53 UTC
Schreber looks kind of embarrassed but he smiles a little, nervously. He knows she worries about him and he has been not sleeping well since he came back. Since Rat doesn't need anything he will just come in and sit down in the living room too. Orwell flaps out of the kitchen after him and comes to sit on his shoulder. He is being clingy today. "I'm just glad ev...eryone's back. I'm so...rry I couldn't... prevent it all somehow." His hands twist in his lap and he looks guilty.


call_me_rat September 3 2009, 01:02:52 UTC
Rat's a terrifying tall four-legged monster that goes clack, until he sits down and leans the crutches against the arm of the couch. He looks pleased when he gets a cat in the lap, though. It's been a kitty kind of evening, between Clio and the new kitten of April's. The long fingers go straight to work scratching behind the ears and under the chin. "They're okay, Harley heals up so quick, I should be jealous, and I think April's just glad to have her back. They're... letting me crash there. Er. Indefinitely." He blushes a little again, but that's as delicately as he can put it, for the moment.

At Dr. Schreber's statement he shakes his head, and smiles gently. "That's more than could be expected of anybody. It happened, but we are all back." He is attempting to sound reassuring, although his gut gives a little twist of worry. Are the strangers gone for good, or is it just a matter of time until this happens again? They can't go around living in fear, but there should be some kind of precaution against future incidents.


sarah_branigan September 3 2009, 01:26:07 UTC
Sarah's expression brightens. "Oh, that's good," she says mildly. "I was going to insist you stay here, otherwise, until you are fully recovered." Rat's well-being is more important to Sarah than propriety (especially since she's been living in sin herself), but she doesn't want to embarrass him.

Sarah takes a seat closest to Daniel's and reaches for his hand. She'd rather be sitting in his lap, like she was doing either, but that is certainly not appropriate in front of company. She is still worried over his well-being and is irrationally afraid he'll disappear again in the middle of the night.


dr_schreber September 3 2009, 01:37:09 UTC
Oh noes Schreber has made an improper woman of her! He really keeps meaning to propose! He squeezes her hand tight and lets Orwell nibble on his hair and ear. He is a little afraid of disappearing in the night too, or that she will, but it would not be helpful at all to tell her that.

"Everyone is back as... far as I know, but we are... all marked by our experiences." He looks at Rat's ankles and his own wrist. "I don't mean just phy...sically."


call_me_rat September 3 2009, 01:57:49 UTC
Rat gives Sarah a communicative grin, but he'll just leave the rest unsaid. He just may be their newest neighbor. "I'll be okay."

He doesn't miss the way they're clinging to each other, any more than he does Schreber's meaning. "I guess this kind of thing happens a lot in the nexus though, and people just... move on, right?" He doesn't like the idea that it's a common occurrence, but it's not as if he can do anything about it if it is.


sarah_branigan September 3 2009, 02:11:11 UTC
"Not... a lot, but it happens." She frowns softly, thinking of others who have been kidnapped or lost due to the Nexus. "Tom isn't the first person I've seen come back from... from being kidnapped, that way." She squeezes Daniel's hand back and sighs. "Some people move on better than others, but yes. It's the price to pay for having access to other worlds."


dr_schreber September 3 2009, 02:41:57 UTC
"These things don't reach out to the city." He is thinking maybe Rat is getting a very bad impression of the Nexus. Especially since he found out the truth during the Rassplosion. Oops. "It isn't always easy to move on, and... there's nothing wrong with that either..." This might be his psychiatrist voice. His hand is tight on Sarah's in a worried way.


call_me_rat September 3 2009, 02:47:24 UTC
His experiences haven't given him the greatest image of the Nexus, so far. That could be why he hasn't gone there except when Gibbs was in the clinics. On the other hand he recognizes the necessity for contact to support the city.

Rat waves a hand without a break in his petting of Clio. "I'll be fine, it wasn't all that traumatic, but it was worse for other people." He watches their hands, slightly worried by the way they're looking worried at him. He assumes the whole thing was worse for Schreber, even if he took less physical damage.


sarah_branigan September 3 2009, 02:58:42 UTC
"Don't discount what you went through, Markus. We're both more than willing to listen, if you want to talk about what happened." It is true that other people had been through worse, but that doesn't mean Rat has to shove what happened to him under the rug.

"Would you like some ice cream?" she asks suddenly, wanting to lighten the mood a little. "Or did Harley stuff you full of food and not give me a chance to spoil you?"


dr_schreber September 3 2009, 03:11:32 UTC
((Getting sleepy))

Sarah is saying what Schreber is thinking. Maybe they have been together so long they have a psychic connection? He does not want to counsel people really, but listening to friends is something different. He just nods and winces when Orwell tugs on his ear. "It might be helpful to talk... about your experiences. I know ev...eryone else thought they were different."

Ice cream! Sarah is good at comfort food.


call_me_rat September 3 2009, 03:32:30 UTC
At the suggestion of ice cream, he laughs a little. "Sure, I could handle a little ice cream." The hospital and the adventures before didn't put any weight on him.

"I really am okay." His eyebrows go up, and he pulls off his cap to scratch his head. "I was Gibbs' older brother, but maybe you already caught that part from him? Big dumb guy. I was the muscle, he was the brains. But I didn't call him George." He grins slightly. "It really wasn't all that bad. Kind of interesting, in retrospect. It's amazing how quick you can be to dismiss your own ideas when you think you're stupid."


sarah_branigan September 3 2009, 11:23:00 UTC
Sarah gives Daniel's hand another squeeze before getting up and carefully brushing Orwell away from his ear. "Be gentle," she chastises him. She listens to Markus thoughtfully. "They may have decided to do that specifically, knowing how intelligent you are. Excuse me a moment." She heads into the kitchen, intending to get ice cream for everyone. They could all use a treat.


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