Beep beep!

Dec 16, 2008 12:45

((Posted because the Thanksgiving thread seemed to be winding down. I'll be in and out today, sorry. Real life car stuff ( Read more... )

sarah, markus, thorn, daniel

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janitor_thorn December 16 2008, 18:45:39 UTC
Thorn is unaware of anyone in the house putting out a call for a cab, and initially worries it may be some sort of mistake. In his experience cabbies are not always friendly, and likely to be even less so when being informed they're in the wrong place. Rather than open the door and go out to greet the driver, he approaches the front window and peers out between the drapes, attempting to remain hidden as he does so. He fervently hopes someone else will take care of it all.


sarah_branigan December 16 2008, 22:12:27 UTC
Sarah also heads out for the front hall to investigate the source of the beeping and the engine revving, wiping her hands on her apron. When she isn't working, she can usually be found in the kitchen most days, baking cookies and other holiday treats.

"What's going on?" she asks Thorn before also peering out the drapes. She can sense Thorn's apprehension, and gives him a comforting smile. "He probably just has the wrong house, I'll go let him know."

She slips off her apron and heads out the door. It's a pleasant surprise to see Rat behind the wheel, and she beams, delighted. "Thorn, come on out, it's Markus!" she calls behind her.


dr_schreber December 17 2008, 01:03:42 UTC
Schreber is always the last one to get to the door and he's been working in the sunroom again. Or maybe not so much working and more poking around online or napping but he meant to be working some. He limps out and looks confused when he hears the door open because he assumed the car was in somebody else's driveway! He gets there while she is going out the door and looks at Thorn. "What's happening? Is it okay?"


call_me_rat December 17 2008, 01:13:27 UTC
With those long legs, Rat just can't quite get out of the cab fast enough, but he's out and leaning against the car with mock-casualness and a wide grin by the time Sarah reaches the front walk. He can't hold his cool for long though, and strides towards her beaming. "What do you think? Need a ride anywhere? As of today I'm officially a cabbie." His face is almost too narrow to hold that smile, and he's almost bouncing when he walks.


janitor_thorn December 17 2008, 01:20:12 UTC
The revelation is a welcome one, and he reaches it through his own eyes at nearly the same time Sarah calls out. Dropping the drapes he turns to Dr. Schreber with a shy smile. "'S R-rat. G-g-got 'is c-cab. COme out 'n s-see?" He follows Sarah out the front door, hesitating only long enough for the good doctor to catch up to him on the threshold.


sarah_branigan December 17 2008, 02:03:59 UTC
"Congratulations!" Sarah offers him a hug, then takes a moment to look over the cab. "I think you're going to be very popular downtown with all the Christmas shoppers." She giggles. "And I probably could use a ride downtown, but I think you should come in for some cookies first." After he's done showing off, of course.


dr_schreber December 17 2008, 02:13:36 UTC
"Oh! No wonder...!! He didn't tell me that's what it... was about!" Schreber had an idea that might be what he was up to with the suit but there's city business for the new school that would have made sense too. He limps after Thorn and down the front porch steps to look at the car. Schreber doesn't know much about cars. It's too hard to drive with his bad leg. "Congratulations!"


call_me_rat December 17 2008, 02:21:00 UTC
Rat's so enthusiastic about the whole thing, he not only hugs Sarah back, but picks her up and does a little spin before he puts her back down. His back will probably regret it later, but right now he's brimming with energy. "I'll only be part time, but this way I can keep an eye on the city firsthand in between the paperwork." He's still grinning.


janitor_thorn December 17 2008, 02:26:36 UTC
The mood is contagious, and even Thorn is smiling. He runs a gloved hand along the hood and peers inside, marveling at how clean it all is. "'S it a new c-c-car? 'S nice."


sarah_branigan December 17 2008, 02:36:38 UTC
Sarah laughs in surprise as she's spun around. Thank goodness it's just once around or she'd be dizzy. "You'll have your own ride to the beach, too," she notes. "Maybe you could sometimes pick up longer fares between here and downtown. People are always complaining about the bus ride."


dr_schreber December 17 2008, 02:43:09 UTC
Schreber will not be jealous but he kind of wishes he could do that. Maybe if he was over six feet tall. "It seems like a very good way to keep... in touch with the population. Paperwork can be... done anytime." He's happy for Rat!


call_me_rat December 17 2008, 02:51:10 UTC
Rat would hesitate to pick up another man's girlfriend like that if he didn't know them both so well. He thinks of Sarah like a younger sister. "It's got some miles under the hood already, but I had her checked out by a good mechanic and the paint job's new." He grins at thorn's admiration of the car. "It'll make getting around a lot easier. I'll keep that in mind. I never liked the bus ride, I guess I shouldn't be surpriesed other people feel the same way."


janitor_thorn December 17 2008, 02:58:27 UTC
Although he has ridden in a number of cabs, when necessity dictated and money allowed, Thorn knows little about cars. His mechanical knowledge revolves around boilers and fan units and other pieces of slightly outdated building maintenance. "I th-think it's nice." He pats the hood. "B-b-bet ye'll be a g-good cabbie."


sarah_branigan December 17 2008, 03:06:13 UTC
"It'll be nice in the summer, when people come her to vacation. I can't imagine carrying luggage on the bus is much fun." She doesn't know much about cars either, except how to check the oil. "You'll be a great cabbie."

The breeze picks up and Sarah shivers a little and wraps her arms around herself, wishing she had grabbed a coat.


dr_schreber December 17 2008, 03:10:49 UTC
Schreber rubs her arms when he sees her shiver. He didn't come out with a coat either. "Lets go inside and get... some cookies and tea. And coffee." He smiles at Rat and puts his arm around Sarah. "We have too many cookies, we need... help getting rid of some."


call_me_rat December 17 2008, 03:14:44 UTC
Rat has a thin coat, at least, and gloves with most of the fingers missing. So much for the suit look. "Oh geez, yeah, I guess it is a little cold out. I wonder if John'll make it a white Christmas?" That's not quite as bad a prospect this year, since he can sleep in the cab at night. He gives Thorn's shoulder a pat and gestures them all to go in ahead of him. "I'll drive you guys wherever you want, for cookies."


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