
Sep 25, 2008 19:49

The autumn has come, and with it the temperatures have dropped and the winds have picked up. The trees in the City, small but thriving now, get red and gold and brown edges to some of their leaves, and...well, there are no birds to fly South, and no South to fly to, but you get the idea ( Read more... )

harley, cornelius, april, john, markus, open to all, daniel, anna, sarah, mitsuru, tom, thorn, mel, charlotte

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Comments 175

janitor_thorn September 26 2008, 00:30:56 UTC
Thorn lives his life in a fairly narrow rut, these days. He goes from the house to the Prince Institute, back to the house again, and lingers on the back porch with his cigarettes. His furthest forays on Shell Beach are to the newagents for more cigarettes, which are far cheaper and contain fewer additives than what he had grown used to. The first appearance of tents goes unnoticed, it being an evening after work. The morning he steps out to smoke, however, and sees an immediately recognizeable ferris wheel shape looming over a settlement of tents and other rides, his hands shake so badly he drops both cigarette and lighter. Terror sends him quickly back inside, where he warns Ms. Branigan and Dr. Schreber in stammering tones of the horror that is a carnival in their own neighbourhood. It does not occur to him that there will be no freak show, as there is no one that unusual within the city. Neither does it really come to him that not all carnivals are sinister cursed affairs that turn visitors into monsters ( ... )


sarah_branigan September 26 2008, 00:36:54 UTC
Sarah, by contrast, looks forward to the fair as soon as she hears of it. She has memories of carnivals from when she was a child, and although there won't be any pig races or animal shows, she's sure she'll have a good time.

She didn't anticipate Thorn's reaction, but she explained to him as many different ways as she could that this was just an ordinary carnival and nothing bad was going to happen. Still, as they head to the carnival, she keeps a hand on Thorn's arm, reassuring him as much as she could.


dr_schreber September 26 2008, 00:41:55 UTC
Schreber is sneaky! But the carnival wasn't even his idea. He was so pleased some other city people thought of it that he was happy to pull strings and get the plans to show up in the right people's in boxes. He'd forgotten about it by the time it happens because he's distracted with other things. Like Mr. Dale McKinley. He feels guilty when Thorn gets upset and hopes that explaining he helped with the plans for the rides will be reassuring instead of making it even spookier.
Schreber has never been to one of these and isn't sure what it's supposed to be like at all, but he wears his best suit and takes Orwell on his shoulder and walks with his cane. He will have to let Sarah keep Thorn from running away back to the house.
Orwell can tell Schreber is excited! Maybe there will be shinies!


janitor_thorn September 26 2008, 00:53:53 UTC
Shuffling his feet and eyes rolling with fear, Thorn is almost literally dragged to the event. Only his respect for Miss Branigan keeps him from breaking free of her light grip and fleeing. Although he is usually polite in the extreme about his smoking habits, today he is puffing away hard at a cigarette to soothe his nerves. He has eaten next to nothing at breakfast, a sure sign of extreme anxiety. They won't have much luck at getting him to play the games, the way his hands are shaking. "H-h-how c-can ye be s-sure it's s-s-s-s-okay?"


tictoctictoc September 26 2008, 02:32:54 UTC
When he heard the Fair was coming, Gibbs wasted no time in asking Melinda to visit. He's been saving his pennies, and he has enough to pay for both their entrance fees and some games and food. He's excited; he's never seen anything like this. He's also intrigued by the rides, curious how they work.

He picks Mel up and they arrive by PINpoint a safe walking distance from the place. During the stroll up to the fairgrounds, they can hear the music playing and watch the lights flicker on the rides as they spin.


sthenyaer September 26 2008, 02:37:35 UTC
Mel's response was "A carnival? Really? Let's go!!" and was all excited. She brought some money along as well, just in case they ran out.

Melinda has the dress that Sarah gave her for Christmas, so she looks like a proper City bird. She holds Gibbs's hand while they walk up, a grin on her face.


tictoctictoc September 26 2008, 03:09:25 UTC
"We'll have to ride the Ferris Wheel," he says a little dreamily as they pay to go inside. "Do you want to look at the exhibits, too? Do you want a candy apple?"


sthenyaer September 26 2008, 03:22:24 UTC
Mel smiles, and says "Yeah. I love the Ferris Wheel... You can see everything from one." Mel has good associtions with fairs and the like. "Sure. And sure, that sounds good... Or maybe some popcorn..."


harley_is_love September 26 2008, 04:10:58 UTC
Harley adores carnivals. And hence, here she is taking in the sights with a young, excited April beside her.

April is trying to pull her mother five different places at once. And Harley chuckles, amused by her daughters enthusiasm.

There is so much to do, she is not sure where to start.


br_oke_n_city September 26 2008, 12:47:29 UTC
There is another girl wandering about the fair. She is older than April, but looks too small to be on her own. She wears a gray dress, red mary janes, and , incongruously, a black leather coat. In one hand she holds a toy lion. Quietly she walks around the carousel, her face expressionless, until she catches sight of April and Harley. A spark of interest lights her eyes, and she starts to follow them hesitantly.

((John-mun here. I thought I would throw this odd character at you. She's from an AU version of the City, arrived temporarily by way of the Nexus.))


harley_is_love September 26 2008, 13:00:27 UTC
(that is cool. thanks)

It does not Harley long to sense that she is being followed. Turning slightly, she spots the young young who seemed to be interested in her. She gives the girl a warm smile, offering out her free hand. "Would you like to join us?"

April is just as warm and welcoming. Brightening with a playful smile at the sight of a new friend.


br_oke_n_city September 26 2008, 13:13:37 UTC
The girl looks mildly surprised. "I am not supposed to be here. But I find myself in want of a...playmate, yes."

Her voice is even and low, almost a monotone, odd for such a young girl. She takes Harley's hand with her free one. "My name is Charlotte Hancock."


call_me_rat September 26 2008, 15:14:30 UTC
Rat's noticed the preparations, but he prefers not to sleep on Shell Beach ever since Willie's death. Having been just inside the city for the night, he turns up at the fair a little later. His budget is two dollars and some change, which isn't half bad at the City's 1940's era prices. A nickel buys good coffee, which is the first thing he's really looking for.
He comes from between some tents, to dodge any possible cover charge, and so he sees Charlotte, Harley and April first. There's a moment where his brain kicks in with some ugly memories, but Charlotte alone is all right. He always felt bad for her, and wonders what's become of her since the little group left the city.
Since he's standing there watching them, and he's a head taller than anybody else, they might notice him too.


harley_is_love September 27 2008, 01:30:53 UTC
Harley does in deed note Rat's presence. While she offers Charlotte some money to play one of the games at the carnival, she flashes him a warm smile.


br_oke_n_city September 27 2008, 19:02:04 UTC
Charlotte accepts the penny from Harley. Indeed, she has no real money herself and is only at the fair due to having PINpointed directly into it. "Thank you, very much. I will attempt to win a goldfish. My guardian might like it."

Then she notices Rat and bites her lip, hesitating. She didn't really want to be recognized, but of the little group she ran into before, Rat is the most innocuous. She lifts a hand in a slight wave, face blank.


call_me_rat September 27 2008, 19:25:56 UTC
As soon as he realizes he's been spotted back, Rat turns on the friendly smile. There's something hesitant in the expression still, and while his eyes meet Harley's briefly, it's clear Charlotte has his attention and he seems slightly worried about her. Rat's never quite come to terms with killing, even if it was a Stranger, and he doesn't like the idea of having it brought up.
He weaves through the crowd to meet them both, giving a slight wave back, but when he reaches them he's uncharacteristically awkward. "Hey Harley, er... Charlotte. I guess this place is a good draw..." He'd find a corner and start busking if he wasn't afraid of getting in trouble for it.


too_late4tom September 28 2008, 00:55:23 UTC
Skulking near the edge of the fair is a young man who doesn't look like he's gotten much sleep in a very long time. His face is unshaven and his thick wool coat looks a little rumpled. This is not the face of a man who is having a rolicking good time, but he seems drawn to the fair all the same. He shakily smokes a cigarette and scans the crowd with anxious eyes, as if he's looking for someone.


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