the new status quo

Jul 19, 2008 09:13

Schreber has a lot of trouble letting go of his paperwork but even he will admit he needs help. The more he does for the city the more it seems like needs to be done and the bureaucracy is starting to grow. It’s hard keeping so much of the city’s trade operations invisible from the people who think they know what’s going on. The way Schreber and ( Read more... )

sarah, markus, thorn, daniel

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sarah_branigan July 19 2008, 15:38:35 UTC
Sarah doesn't seem to mind the additional presence of Markus at all. In fact, on days when it seems their work will last a bit longer, she invites him to stay for dinner. She also tries to have a pot of coffee waiting when she leaves for work in the morning. She appreciates Markus for a lot of reasons, but one of them is that it's nice to have another coffee drinker around.

In the past couple of months, she's been around the home more as well, her excursions to the Nexus few and far between.

This particular afternoon, she arrives home a little later than usual, having made a detour at the Nexus Clinics to visit an ill friend. When she finds Daniel and Markus in the kitchen, working, she doesn't say anything, just smiles tiredly at the both of them and then gives her boyfriend an unusually long hug.


dr_schreber July 19 2008, 20:26:08 UTC
Schreber looks up and smiles a little when he sees her like he always does but then the hug gets his attention. He twists in his chair and hugs back and tries to look at her face. "Long day?"


call_me_rat July 19 2008, 20:35:22 UTC
Rat will gladly help drink the coffee, any time of the day. When Sarah comes home he gives her a smile and a wave, pen in one hand, then quietly goes back to the paperwork to give them the illusion of privacy while they hug.


sarah_branigan July 19 2008, 23:52:38 UTC
"Sort of. Work was fine, but I went to see Jeff..." She sighs and gives Daniel another squeeze. "He's going to be all right, but it's disturbing to know that he was part of another mass kidnapping in the Nexus."


dr_schreber July 20 2008, 00:03:03 UTC
((New icon love! Comic book Sarah!))

"...Another one? I haven't been up. I wonder if he was part of it be...cause he was part of the first one?" Schreber looks worried and strokes her arm to keep the physical contact.


call_me_rat July 20 2008, 00:05:36 UTC
Rat looks up again with a raised eyebrow, all pretence of work gone. "This happens a lot? There's no danger of it extending to the city, is there?"


sarah_branigan July 20 2008, 00:12:40 UTC
((It's really Wonder Woman, but I thought it looked like Sarah. ^_^))

"I think Jeff was part of it because he spends all his time in the Nexus and has spectacularly bad luck." She pats Daniel's hand, then heads to the freezer to retrieve a tub of rocky road ice cream. Clearly, it's been a long day. "It happened last year, Markus, but no, I don't think so. Do either of you want any?" She holds up the container.


dr_schreber July 20 2008, 00:26:32 UTC
((Cheater! XD ))

"I'll make tea..." Schreber sighs and gets up. At least this means he is taking a break from the paperwork! "I know you had a bad ex...perience, but it's rare for Nexus events to spread here. Us...ually when one of us gets hit with an LOL it's... because of time we've spent there." He kisses Sarah's cheek in passing. "I don't need any."


call_me_rat July 20 2008, 00:30:45 UTC
"You're a bad influence, Sarah." Rat smiles weakly. "I think there's some coffee left to go with it." He shuffles together some building proposals for the new school. It's funny to be in charge of deciding on which building firm to hire and which plans to use when last year he was doing the gruntwork of construction. "Let's hope it stays that way, people won't be endeared to the Nexus when they find out the truth if they get introduced by all being turned into... wallabies or something, or whisked away to parks for pokemon."


sarah_branigan July 20 2008, 00:42:51 UTC
Sarah grins at that, and gets out two dessert bowls and two spoons. "Just as long as you don't spoil your dinner," she teases, while looking for the ice cream scooper.

More seriously, she adds, "People are only at risk for LOLs if they visit the Nexus, and then only if they eat or drink anything, or accept a gift from a stranger." She sighs, scooping out the ice cream. "The city is at risk for larger scale events whether people know about the Nexus or not."


dr_schreber July 20 2008, 01:02:33 UTC
"There... are a few exceptions to that." Schreber smiles weakly at Sarah. "The dinovirus was contag...ious by air. But most LOL's are avoidable." He makes tea and gets coffee for both Sarah and Rat since he is up.


call_me_rat July 20 2008, 01:04:55 UTC
"No ma'am." Rat grins. He's not quite as scrawny now that he can afford regular meals, but he'll always be on the lean side. "I'm not looking forward to my first one, but I should visit the Nexus some, and I assume that means an eventual LOL is inevitable."


sarah_branigan July 20 2008, 01:11:07 UTC
"Dinosaurs," Sarah mutters to herself. Would it be that the worst problem a Nexusite could have is turning into a dinosaur. She brings over two bowls of ice cream and offers Rat one of them, then sits down and digs into her own. "They aren't all so bad. Sometimes you even learn a little bit about yourself. All the same, I'm not sorry I haven't been to the Nexus much lately."


dr_schreber July 20 2008, 01:36:23 UTC
Schreber brings the coffee over for them and makes a space in the papers for milk and sugar. It's kind of good to get up and stretch his legs. "No, they aren't all bad and they're alm...ost always temporary. Even if it's some...thing that doesn't wear off on it's own- and most of... them do, then someone comes up with a cure and off...ers it for whoever needs it."


call_me_rat July 20 2008, 01:40:43 UTC
"Maybe you're trying to teach an old dog new tricks, but this stuff doesn't exactly get me excited about going there. I wouldn't mind the learning more about myself, but I don't want to get turned into a dinosaur or a real rat or something to do it. Not to dampen things again, but what exactly happened to this friend of yours who got abducted twice?" Rat puts milk in his coffee and goes back and forth between that and the ice cream.


sarah_branigan July 20 2008, 01:54:34 UTC
Sarah doesn't bother with coffee or tea, just sticking to her ice cream. "It's really not that bad, just inconvenient. Especially the animal LOLs." The idea of Markus turning into an actual rat brings her a moment of levity that she hides with another spoonful of ice cream.

"Oh... God, what hasn't happened to him?" she sighs. "He's been turned into a woman, a pokemon, a movie monster, a cat-man... the first time he was kidnapped, he had to participate in a bloodsport type of game and returned to the Nexus only after he'd been shot. This time, he came back infected with some sort of fungus." She's leaving out a lot of details, of course, but most of those aren't relevant.

"The absolute worst is that somehow he's psychically connected to the man that shot me, so that anything that happens to one of them happens to the other. But, honestly, that had less to do with the Nexus and more to do with his awful luck ( ... )


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