pretending to be her best friend

Apr 07, 2008 17:31

After getting her hair dyed dark brown, along with contacts and clothing that resembled Sarah's wardrobe, Harley moved into her role as Sarah in her friends home in Dark City. By playing this role, it was hoped that Harley and Thorn, who was disguised as Daniel, might be able to lure Ume out into the open. And hopefully detain her ( Read more... )

harley, ume, sarah, markus, thorn, daniel, ume murders

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janitor_thorn April 16 2008, 01:34:31 UTC
Taking time off from his custodial job so soon after being hired worries Thorn far more than the attack of Ume. He busies himself about the house cleaning, helping to cook, and hiding away in his room. What he does there is not revealed to Harley, but it's quiet and demands paper and pencil. He is some form of company, but his contribution to the planning seems to have exhausted his courage for conversation, and he says little unless spoken to. His replies are brief and stammered, accompanied by an apologetic smile. His own skills in cooking are no rival for Sarah's, but he's fairly adept. He's also appreciative of all Harley's attempts at baking, although he's showing considerable restraint for fear of outgrowing the suits, which are purchased rather than being Schreber's own as it is. Nonetheless he is drawn by the smell of a relative success, and comes to hover in the kitchen doorway shyly.


harley_is_love April 16 2008, 01:39:39 UTC
Although moments ago Harley was staring out the window, she seems to sense Thorn's presence. Call it an inherited trait based on her psychological disability, with the fact that she does not like to be alone Harley can sense when she is no longer alone in a room.

Turning, she gives Thorn a smile. "I have tea ready, if you would like to sit for a drink and cookies."


janitor_thorn April 16 2008, 01:57:29 UTC
Biting his lip in a manner that's likely become familiar to her, he gives a slight nod and edges into the kitchen as if he's unsure if he's welcome. "Sh-sh-shouldn't 'ave m-much..." His ears redden slightly. Despite his worries over his weight, he looks surprisingly good in a suit, if somewhat uncomfortable. There are only two that fit him, and he's terribly conscious about getting them dirty or worn.


harley_is_love April 16 2008, 02:00:21 UTC
"We will have only one then." Harley takes out two little plates and cups, then sets the table. She understands Thorn's desire not to eat too much right now and as for herself, Harley has just not been eating well at all. So one will just be just right.


janitor_thorn April 16 2008, 02:12:23 UTC
Thorn makes quite superior tea, but he will drink whatever is made without complaint. His fears are not unfounded, although Harley is unaware of how scrawny he was when he first came to the city last fall. In six months he's grown too pudgy to fit in Schreber's clothes, despite being shorter and of a slighter build.
He sits, awkward over being served, and nods again. "Th-th-thank ye. S-smells g-g-good."


harley_is_love April 16 2008, 02:21:24 UTC
It is a simple chamomile tea, Harley thought it would be calming.

After pouring the tea, Harley finally sits and fiddles with her glass. Her contact-made brown eyes search Thorn's face for a moment. She is unsure where to steer the conversation, so talks about cookies now. "I tried a ginger recipe, hopefully I added the right amount of spices."


janitor_thorn April 16 2008, 02:29:47 UTC
Thorn's face is somewhat improved by his disguising makeup. Beneath the blisters and scabs he has a heart-shaped face with fine features. He does not meet her eyes, however. "'M s-s-sure th-they'll b-be good. Ye d-do well." He gives her a weak smile, and strokes the teacup. His hands are clad in skin-colored latex gloves, but he feels naked.


harley_is_love April 16 2008, 02:40:48 UTC
"Thank you. It has been a new challenge for me." Her eyes leave his face, then slowly scans the room. "You have done well with the cleaning."


janitor_thorn April 16 2008, 02:44:20 UTC
Again he blushes, ducking his head in a nod. "'S w-w-what I've d-done for a l-l-living f-for years." The house is clean on a microscopic level these days, due in part to his nervous boredom.


harley_is_love April 16 2008, 02:53:48 UTC
"You do it well. I have never been one for cleaning." Harley picks up a cookie, then smiles softly. "Or cooking for that matter."

Taking a taste of her creation, she is just happy that it is edible. "But I am picking those things up."


janitor_thorn April 16 2008, 03:01:03 UTC
Her taking one is permission, and he reaches over and takes one himself, tasting it carefully. "'S g-g-good. N-never d-d-did much bak-king."


harley_is_love April 16 2008, 03:10:36 UTC
"We do have a little in common, don't we."


janitor_thorn April 16 2008, 03:15:59 UTC
((Would you like first response to Ume or shall I?))


harley_is_love April 16 2008, 03:18:24 UTC
((I think I got a good reply for a first response, then we can do Ume, Harley, Thorn until reinforcements are needed))


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