Dec 24, 2007 12:42
This year seems to lack Christmas cheer.
Lsat night I was at Barnes and Noble and I bought a bunch of books for Christmas presents, and I was standing at that wrapping table while the volunteers wrapped the books and I stuffed change into that big jar they have, and we were talking about the weather (I am quite certain that if two Michiganders met on Mars the first thing they'd start talking about would be the weather...and the weather in Michigan, no less) and about how behind I am on my Christmas shopping (honestly, I think strangers really like talking to me....), and at the end we "Merry Christmas"ed each other, and I got that happy Christmassy feeling that I usually get at this time of year, but then it occurred to me that that was the first time I'd really felt that way this December.
Guys, I think the liberals are winning their ungodly War on Christmas.
EDIT: Furthermore, I was just trying to explain something to Sidarth, and it somehow ended with me drawing a comparison with Winnie the Pooh being hit by a truck.
What is this world coming to?