Chads Birthday is tomorrow, Happy birthday man.. So he'll be 20, which means in 37 days ill be 18..
18 is significant for a few things...
you're legally recognized as an adult, responsible for your actions
you can buy cigarettes
you can serve alcohol
you can vote be honest with you, I don't really think we should be able to vote when we are 18. I know about four or five people qualified enough to make decision enough to vote. Then again my standards are high, Im sure the four people I'm thinking about are overqualified... This fact terrifies me. Listening to kids in my Western Civ class voice their opinions, "Kerry lied about Vietnam" an allegation made by a partisan group and unsupported by the Bush campaign,
"Bush has a stronger economic policy?" Oh alright.. can you just tell me briefly what Kerry's economic policy is? can you explain to me what even suggests that the economy has done anything but A)Gone into recession, and B) produce inflated results which in fact have no bearing on the job market. Creating 10,000 minimum wage jobs... ( i made this number up I dont know what the actual number is) isnt growth, its creating low-wage no benefit jobs in the place of jobs that made a decent enough wage that the people that had them didnt have to work two jobs to pay the rent.
To be honest, I'm not as well informed as I could be, I can't tell you what happened at the GOP convention because i couldnt stand to watch, the fact is that I was raised in a liberal househould, but for once I want to hear the conservative side without having it shoved down my throat... I dont want to hear the policies of Gee Dubya championed... I will stop listening... I just want a no bullshit assesment of the republican's stance on the hot issues
I can't supply that for anyone else, I only know how I feel on the issues, and the candidate who most closely mirrors those values. THAT is how you chose a candidate, not based on who is the better speaker, who has a better record.. Actually that is another thing... something that actually has some support for Bush.. Who the fuck cares what your war record is. I know the argument is that showing valor in battle shows that you are calm under pressure and you have leadership qualities... you know, Im sure quite a few fire fighters have those same qualities, but fire fighters arent president because they werent educated in ivy league schools and they arent polticians... You should be judged on your voting record, not on your war record. Im not certain if Bush lied or not, but if he did, it wouldnt be the first time, and who the fuck cares, he was a rich kid that didnt want to be in the service, What matters now is how he's acted in office, he's acted like a jackass, get him the hell out of there.
As far as Kerrys voting record, Im sure he's not the first candidate to miss sentate meetings because he was campaigning, just like im sure George Bush isnt the first candidate to spend the first two years of his presidency on vacation... wait......hmm nevermind... anyways... The other brilliant argument I hear is, "Kerry voted for the war." Let me lay something out for you.. 9-11 was three years ago last saturday, Im not sure if you can recall that far backwards but we were all mad and we were all scared and we looked to our leaders for vegence, and you know what, unfortunately they delivered just that. They were presented with what is known now as false information and they acted upon it. If you've ever beat the shit out of a hobo because your friend told him he checked out your girlfriend... and it turns out the hobo is blind... well its the same situation... trust me i know.....
maybe not i havent had a girlfriend for about...
Im about done typing now... but for all those people that could possibly be voting, here is some of Kerry's stances on popular issues
abortion- pro choice
death penalty-opposes death penalty except for post 9-11 terrorists
gun control-supports assault weapon ban and brady bill
gay marriage-pretty flip flop on the issue, hes for civil unions essentially
war in iraq-He says that we need to finish the job and get the fuck out "Expand active duty and Army's forces to security peace.
Offer a military modernization plan for the troops."
stem cell- pro embryonic stem cell research
I got all this from .. its an incredibly good website and if you are voting in this election i suggest you look at it
well thats all
For the sake of getting a sick nasty amount of comments... Who are you voting for and why?