Happy birthdaay to my son, N.T. He is five today!
He had forgotten until I sang the ong to him this morning, and then he went around anouncing loudly that he was five and it was his birthday to the entire world, whether someone was there to listen or not.
We'll wait and celebrate with cake and ice cream tomorrow when the girls are back from camp, but I think making cookies and openign a couple presents is in order today. : )
The picture is from the month of May and pre-haircut. We went and got his hair cut (and mine too) the day before yesterday. His looks great, mine is okay. Actually, it's good, just I REALLY liked my last haircut, but it was much shorter and I didn't want it so short and have to wait for the growing out to happen again. Maybe I'll take a pic and post it later so you all can tell me what you think.
Anyway, May wanted to get her hair done too, so after I was done, she climbed right up and Karen did her hair (no cutting, just comb and cute little braid). You have never seen a child beam so happily in your life! May was so excited and happya and proud to sit up there just like we all did. I really needed my camera at that moment.
Anyway, back to the point: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOOKEE!!!