May 26, 2006 12:27
Well, it would seem that sibling drama is not the only similarity shared between home and here. I have now discovered that both computers in this place house more viruses (although it was probably close) than my sister Jen's computer used to infect my network with. It's scary... in fact I was scared to login from one of them, but alas it's a necessary evil. Why? Mizuho's dead -_- Well, not dead - but out of commission for the moment. A few days prior, Mizuho threw a fit in the early morning while trying to multi-task and rebooted herself - but the reboot never stuck. Errors such as no monitor viewing (external or normal - there was no feed), hard-disk freezing ran rampant. So, I let her relax for a day and then with the help of dad's wife I opened the case and cleansed poor Miz of all her dust buildup. After the tuneup I was able to run Mizuho twice yesterday - once for 1 hour, then later for about 3-4 before World of Warcraft finally overheated it so much that she died again. I love Gateway computers - every one I've ever had has proven to be a workhorse and Miz is no exception. I had noticed she had been running hot since January - but I hadn't used her much before that so I couldn't tell right away. The problem seemed to escalate after coming out here however. Not sure why - maybe it's the change in climate - but she finally burned out. As of now I'm sure 1 or both fans are broken - I was hand-feeding it cold air yesterday which might account for its prolonged activation. This means that I've probably had a broken fan for months -_-. Well, when I get back to NY I'll have to get to get it fixed. At least during the temporary fix I was able to send out a few important emails - it seems I get to continue my tutoring job when I get back, so I'm more relaxed about that. Everything aside, I'm still relaxing and seeing some good things. I'm pretty certain I'll get sick upon returning though - my internal bio-clock is all messed up - waking up at 8am, eating dinner at 12am(yes, midnight, and no I'm not accounting for the time difference so 3am NY time) - I can't plan out anything. So.... chaotic @_@ As always, I adapt well, but I miss balanced structure ::chuckles:: I just wish my stepbrother/cousin would chill out and wake up out of his dreamland. I've been playing family counselor again... just a different location. My mom joked the other day that it's probably my job to keep all my parents sane... so I retorted that it's one hell of a full time job ::laughs:: Father hinted at the idea that he wants me to stay longer since I'm such a great influence on the kid and he enjoys having me around - but I really need to get back to my job and such. He told me I should visit more often which would be nice - minus all the flying. I swear, if I had wings I would love it... but because I have no control over it, flying scares me. In other news, I finally started designing my myspace page since so many have requested the darn thing... nothing fancy, but I'll try finishing/getting webspace for the background images when I return home. For now however, I'm going to get ready for lunch - I'll update more on Cali later. Ttfn ^~