Happy Mother's Day to everyone who is a mother to someone, whether you have raised children or whether you have mothered others by loving and taking care of them. Thanks to all the mothers, aunts, grandmothers, godmothers, healers, teachers, mentors, caregivers, social workers, badass HBIC's, straight-talkers, wisdom-wielders, organizers, volunteers, donation-givers, protectors, and everyone else who mothers someone. Thank you!!! :)
Billie from Fastlane, Allison from Eureka, and Sarah Connor from Terminator:SCC all wish you a happy Mother's Day too! Not all of them are mothers literally, but all of them make the world a better place with their motherly love - by both protecting others and leading the way. And who ever said being a total badass isn't a motherly quality?
*Edited for clarity after someone asked a great question.