Nov 10, 2004 22:27
One day a package shows up at my door around lunch time. I look at it and wonder what I could have purchased. Then I remember the three CDs from Amazon. I bring it inside and throw it off into a corner. Later I come back to carefully open the package. Having found the power adapter to my CD player I hook up the player up to the stereo. Presto I have an instant music jukebox! I rip open the CD packaging and savor the sweet sounds of the Beach Boys, Hoyt Axton and the Hallejauh song.
Such went this not so special day. You would think receiving a package is a special day, but that would be an exaggeration.
Listening to the Beach Boys while laying on my couch imagining the ocean roar. I hear water sounds from my feet. I look down and see waves pounding into a cliff as it drops into boiling water. I look up and see my fish tank and realize the water sounds are coming from the water pump.
Contacting friends lost and forgotten while struggling to comprehend this resistance. Life pushes at all directions and escape is gone. The abyss opens coming near. As it closes darkness enfolds me in its precious nothingness.