Title: Vows
dargai Wordcount: 391
Summary: Since he was ten, Anakin has been told that love and his Force-given duty is incompatible. But he makes vows to both.
The first time Padmé wore that backless dress Anakin found his tongue sitting thickly against his lower teeth, pressing hard enough that he swallowed convulsively from the pressure. They'd said the prosthetic hand, in time, would come to feel a part of his body. He hadn't believed it until he felt his metal fingers itch to trace each tiny bump of her spine.
At their wedding Anakin felt wonder trickle into all the hollows of his body and he wondered where she felt it in hers. He knew the important parts: head; shoulders; torso - arms, hands, heart, stomach and other organs; hips; legs - knees, ankles, feet; and hair. He knew the sexual differences - vagina, hips, breasts, penis, testicles - and the imperceptible ones - the way she walks, Queen not King, the way he dominates her even though she's older.
When he kissed her, he was careful to hold his body away from hers. At the time it seemed so important that she know it was love and not just the demands of his nineteen year-old libido.
He missed all the words that she was speaking to the minister; his heart was pumping and his ears were still ringing with that final 'Yes' that delivered her unto him. He missed all the words she spoke to him as the minister vanished past the doorframe.
When he came to himself he said nothing because they were finally alone at the lakehouse and the sun was setting on the new bride for whom he had betrayed his first set of vows.
"It's been ten minutes, you know." Padmé lifted a hand to the crease between his eyes, smiling. "Anakin?"
Almost-kisses, burning kisses, a decade of dreaming about her and a month spent loving her ferociously added up to.... "Nothing," he said, his smile breaking out. "Nothing." And he picked her up and spun her quickly, laughing with joy when the lace flew off her head and her dress caught in the crease of his elbows.
"Put me down!"
It was a comfortable twilight and she was silhouetted by water and hills. It made such a contrast to sand, and it made such a change from the dreary corridors of politics.
"Ani! Put me--"
This kiss was different. He felt it like he felt the Force roiling through him.