Aug 04, 2004 15:15's "thunderstorming" outside. Severe hail warning...I'm yet to see a rain drop. But it's cloudy so life is ok.
Friend and I went and saw The Village last night....ew. I'd like my 2 hours back....They should have made it into a love story, it had more going for itself in that category than it did for "scary". And predictable. M Night Shyamylan (? eh) is an ok director...I think it's lame he puts himself in all of his's been done. Find a new trademark.
Slept in a bag outside again. I think I love nothing more than that. I'll sleep with all kinds of kids in a bag if its nice and cold outside. Shooting stars are rad. Dreams that are really good that you wake up from are NOT.
Everyone should talk to me...wait, everyone I want to talk to should talk to me! Because I don't like getting phone calls at 3 in the morning from lame people who call me up and bitch at me. Not cool.
And why am I fixing everyone's problems again? GOD forbid I have my own? Isn't conversation when you converse with people....not just one person rambling on about THEIR problems for HOURS?