One Direction Video Primer: Part Two

Mar 13, 2012 22:29

These ones are the best. If you skipped to this section, I understand.

shenanigans/misc. )

primer, one direction, this week the trend, oh boys really, videos

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darelose March 16 2012, 01:40:55 UTC
NO I LOVE ACTUAL ONE DIRECTION THOUGHTS. I just tag everything on Tumblr "I WANT TO BITE MY OWN ARM OFF AK:AFHJFADHK:AFKL:AFS" because Tumblr is not the place for 1D manifestos as much I wish it was. YES THAT IS LOUIS. I agree so much. Sometimes I feel like Louis is secretly the Dad of the band because his immaturity has a purpose. He just wants everyone to get along so he is loud to distract from anything that might go wrong. Like that one twit cam the whole band did where Harry and Zayn got into a fight and Zayn (or Harry) pushed Harry (or Zayn, I CAN'T REMEMBER I WATCHED IT THROUGH MY FINGERS IT WAS SO TENSE) into the table and Louis was just super loud to get past it. Liam is just the Dad in a more obvious sense. Was it the La Boîte Questions one where Zayn missed his line about getting shipped out to Bel-Air? Because that surprised me. Like, they've done that rap on stage before and he didn't miss his cue, and then in that interview he did and I was lost. I'mm go off on a thing here but ZAYN'S SMILE OKAY. He is so adorable I am sometimes lost for words. He's just. All of them though. I cannot figure Harry out. Sometimes it seems like he starts stuff, and he definitely does stupid things (he likes to be naked a lot, the whole X-Factor finale/"Pussygate" scandal, he might have nudes out there, which, God forbid because he's a baby and I NEVER want to see anything like that), but he mostly just seems willing to go along with Louis, and the other members as well, to some extent.

Their fondness for each other is slowly making me insane. I love when they tweet each other or about each other or do things together (like their bowling alley date or when Louis and Harry went to get brownies in Canada after a concert) and just be close. It is so sweet! I can see why people ship Louis and Harry, I really can because those dudes have crazy sexual tension sometimes, but honestly, with there being five boys, in shippy situations one almost always gets left out, so that's why I prefer gen, because it's all five boys being platonically in love with each other and that makes for some great times. And also it makes my heart hurt when one is left out because they are such a UNIT to me. And now mine's a manifesto as well. I have so many feelings.


harriet_vane March 16 2012, 02:05:07 UTC
Louis is ALSO deeply goofy and weird. He's exactly the Mickey Dolenz (I watched a LOT of Monkeys as a kid) with the deliberate silliness for the little kids, but... he's also a tension diffuser and an attention pull. (Zayn and Harry are so much happier watching other people tell jokes than telling them themselves. And the other thing about Zayn -- he has like, two jokes, and he goes STRAIGHT to them in case of emergency. He's not doing improv. Which is why it was so easy to do an imitation of him.) Louis is genuinely clever and concerned about everyone's feelings and his goofiness very rarely actually interrupts or annoys anyone, which isn't how boy bands roll if one of them is an attention whore. ANYWAY. Louis. You are annoying but CLEARLY also great. (Also, when asked about first impressions, he says Niall was very open, Liam was very serious, Harry was charming, and Zayn was quiet. SO.)

I haven't seen that twitvid but I'd watch the shit out of it. (I got more panic characterization out of the Rolling Stone interview where Ryan and Brendon are fighting than pretty much any other.) BUT DON'T FIGHT, KIDS, YOU'RE SO ADORABLE.

Harry always seems... tired? Vaguely high? When Harry's energetic he's all about hitting people and jumping on things and biting and goofing and whatever. But about half the time he seems half-asleep (I loved Zayn's shrug and "...yeah, whatever, sure, I'm Harry" imitation). But when Harry DOES seriously answer a question or contribute it's always pretty sharp. He could make better personal life decisions, but I get the sense he can be EITHER the goofiest little brother in the world OR a really smart 18 year old.

If they want to hang out and be BFFs then I'll just be over here heart-eyes-ing at them. FOREVER.


darelose March 16 2012, 02:39:05 UTC
There is this weird dichotomy, for me, in how they act, because a lot of the time they are inappropriate for a ~younger audience. I mean, they're teenage boys, they talk about sex a lot, and they've also been very outspoken in the past about safe sex (I'm pretty sure Harry has been quoted as saying that it's selfish for a boy not to use a condom), and the like. But they are also really goofy, and I have to wonder how much is genuine goofiness, and how much is just exaggerated because they do have younger fans.

I wish I had that 1D "THIS!" gif, because it is perfect for your description of Zayn. He IS NOT doing improv, and that is why he is so easy to do an impression of. I mean, you saw Harry's reaction to Liam's impression. It's pretty spot-on. And I have definitely come around to the Louis: Annoying but Great way of thinking.

It was kind of hard for me to watch. I had to turn it off when that happened because they were so clearly angry with each other and it was uncomfortable. It was also from a long time ago, like barely post X-Factor, when I think they were all still feeling out each other's boundaries, as it were, and getting to know each other. Harry and Zayn seem a lot more comfortable with each other now.

Harry does seem sharp to me. I also like the way that, when he has questions directed at him, he tries to include the whole band. I think people are trying to make him out to be some sort of leader and he is not comfortable with that, so he always brings it back to "we" or "us". Every single time. I always see Niall as the little brother of the band. Like, they are always picking him up and cuddling him and ruffling his hair, so I feel like the band sees him that way to. And I think it might be because of Harry's maturity and the fact that Niall is the second youngest, after Harry.

I was telling my sister, the other day, that as deep into this whole thing as I am now, I will probably be into this fandom until it's on its last legs. I just can't imagine a time when I am not charmed by these ridiculous boys.


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