One Direction Video Primer: Part Two

Mar 13, 2012 22:29

These ones are the best. If you skipped to this section, I understand.

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Okay, so this video doesn't have shenanigans, BUT it is 100% necessary because this video is the #1 reason I have a huge, huge, huge soft spot for Zayn Malik. Him and the birds is cute, but what kills me is the story about how he'd never seen a plane before, nor had he had a passport because he didn't need one. And this resonates with me because THIS IS MY LIFE. This just touches me because, once I got to university, I learned just how uncommon that was. Everyone was, and is, shocked that I've never been on a plane because, apparently, that's a really common occurrence. I feel like Zayn and I probably had sort of similar upbringings, and that makes me love him.

Anyway. On to boys being goofy and dorky!

I already posted the behind the scenes video that started this nonsense here, so we will skip that one.

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We're starting out with one of my favorites. I've watched this so many times because I cannot handle this video. This seems like a game that you would think up when you were drunk and were like, fuck it, fruit ninja isn't cool enough. YOU KNOW WHAT'S BETTER? REAL LIFE FRUIT NINJA. And so they made it up. And decided to share it with the world. Again, the boys are adorable and I cannot stand them and their faces.

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Okay, this is from their ITV2 documentary, and it is literally the most adorable thing I've seen. I don't even have words for it. Just watch.

Most of these videos will be behind the scenes things, just because, when you put a camera on these boys and give them any semblance of free rein, they act like idiots.

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Zayn is very posey. Liam's dancing! Basically, any time the boys dance, I'm going to enjoy it. "Job's a goodun." I think we all know how I will be telling people that I've accomplished something from now on. And this is mostly here for Louis' cute suspenders dance.

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No words, just shenanigans and cuddling. That's how boy bands roll.

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Just 50 seconds of them being idiots. You're welcome.

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And here they are pretending to be detectives. Wearing mustaches, glasses, and riding bicycles indoors. Ignore the annoying thing in the middle. There are more boy detectives at the end.

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Here's another video of them running around being cute. No big deal. They do it a lot.

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I have so much to say about the One Thing Behind The Scenes because it is the behind the scenes of the best video, of course. I have to point out how handsome Zayn looks shuffling himself into that jacket. Oh Liam, "very fitted, good on the bottom," never change. "Zayn's hiding it." Zayn and Niall making faces at each other! Harry trying to catch a hat on his head! Zayn kissing Liam on the face!!!! 2:54 to 3:09 is the best part. Oh look, Harry is giving the thumbs-up again. Color me surprised.

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Louis and Harry rolling off the couch! Liam: We love each other, very much. Louis being a brat! Harry's dancing! The phone was in Zayn's pants! Which reminds me...

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Not super full of shenanigans, but they do grope each other a lot. So there's that. Look closely for Louis' hand to be all up in Liam's junk at one point.

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This video starts with what Liam and Louis probably think is banter, but is actually them just being abusive with each other. They are idiots. Which is what I will continue to say about them because it's true. This is here for Harry's headband and Niall running into that sign and falling down while he has to run around the track saying he's a big, fat idiot.

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Boys rough-housing. Liam wanting to order slippers and receive a bed instead. Them filming in Upstate New York explains why the video was so preppy. Zayn winding Louis up! THEM JUMPING ONTO THE COUCH AND HURTING EACH OTHER. The pastel color of this video is really nice as well. That is beside the point.

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This is the only Pokemon Diary I will put up, because, yeah, they are advertising Pokemon, but it is also ridiculously cute, especially Louis.

Just kidding! Y'all are getting all the Pokemon diaries. This was a decision I just made right now. I am sorting of typing this thing in real time, as I make decisions.

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Harry scuffing up the shoes is a riot. Niall telling the Pokemon he's a good-looking chap. Louis snuggle-attacking Harry. And it ends with another boy pile. Because that's what they do.

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Niall winking! Them just generally goofing around. Louis being handsy with everyone. Niall mopping things!

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Harry falling off of things will never fail to crack me up. A giant tackle onto the hardwood floor!

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This one is very recent, but so cute that I can't NOT add it. I love both but obviously Liam, Harry, and Niall won that.

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Do yourself a huge favor and mute this video. The only thing that's important is the images. I put this because, even though it's not great quality, this is one of three videos that have surfaced so far of how these boys introduce themselves on tour. Where do I start? Um, Harry hates white cars? Okay. Louis likes the movie Grease? Sure. Niall and Liam are hitch-hiking, which I cannot get over. Zayn is just brooding on a fence until the boys show up to save him. They all go to the beach. Harry and Louis reenact the Titanic bit! I literally have no words for how cute I find this. Like, this is the most convincing argument to go see them on tour that I have ever come across.

But there's more! We also have Autumn Term and Winter Season, because making just one video that made me want to die wasn't enough. These ones can be watched with the sound on because they are official versions, not cam ones.

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So they're all going to college. Just looking all fancy and stuff. Their outfits though. Louis smiling at Liam over the top of the piano!!!! MY HEART. Pretending to read! Why are you doing this. That girl's shorts are fabulous. Harry contemplating that globe like it's his job. Riding bicycles around, on the docks, in fields, pulling bikes out of the lake! They best do this on the American tour that I will inevitably go to.

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Winter Season, though, if possible, is even cuter. They all go on a big snowboarding/skiing vacation together and are so cute I kind of want to throw myself off a cliff. Niall and Zayn with those throw blankets! Louis being the dad: making a fire, feeding them, him and Niall carrying Harry out, and him ruffling Harry's hair!!!!!!! Liam eating oatmeal with a fork. Them all cuddling in a bed! Zayn helping Niall put his goggles on! I cannot. I just. These are official interlude videos they play on tour and I LOVE IT.

Okay, now just a couple of live music videos. Pretty good quality, containing the expected amount of screaming.

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This is a really sweet medley video of them all sitting around a fake campfire (I KNOW) and singing covers. Everyone gets a chance at a solo and Niall plays guitar, so I like it a lot.

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Use Somebody is far and away their best cover. They literally all sound so good in it. To be honest, I rank it above some of the songs on their CD, in terms of how much I love it. Sorry :/

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I really love their acoustic performances because you can hear them better and they sound really good live (in my opinion). This is a super recent, and super well-done version of More Than This. Also, I like how I can see who does what harmonies when I watch these videos.

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I'm leaving you with this one because I also feel it is a good performance and Liam spends the last bit of the song flirting with Niall. Again, in my opinion.

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Oh my God, EDIT EDIT EDIT. I cannot believe I left out KISS ME YOU FOOL. This video speaks for itself AND THIS PRIMER WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN COMPLETE WITHOUT IT. Thank you, Tumblr, for saving my ass.

So, yeah. There's the primer. I hope it helped you get a little more acquainted with this stupid band that has sucked all my free time away from me, and I hope it helped you to like them a little bit. Byyyeee.

primer, one direction, this week the trend, oh boys really, videos

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