
Feb 28, 2012 22:49

Liam Payne is my second favorite. I'm not going to tell you the order of the rest but you are free to guess.

Basically, he is a handsome prince EXCEPT he chose Twilight over Harry Potter and that is something I can never unknow. As much as it pained me, I got over it, and I hope, given enough time, you can too.

I feel like he sings the most (although I have no research to back this up, it's just estimating) and I'm okay with that because he has a quite enjoyable voice.

BBS!!!!!!!! I will never not be smitten with their cuddly ways.

Um, so, you will soon notice that most of the Liam pictures I have saved are of him and Niall. It's because I have a soft spot for their friendship. You're welcome.

ONE THING WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AGAIN. I enjoy the way Liam thinks this is an appropriate thing to have filmed.

It's a crime against humanity when Liam's hair doesn't look like this. There, I said it. History will prove me right.

He just seems so good-natured!

What I like most about this picture, besides the fact that it's his Twitter profile pic, is that he apparently did not write this but, rather, someone shopped a picture of him with this and Liam was like, hmmm, yes, good, this should be my profile picture. And so it was.

I'd like the record to state that this is a very heterosexual band that does cool bro things like bite each other on the neck. If you don't take ANYTHING ELSE away from this pic spam, please, try to retain that knowledge. Also, haiiiirrrrrr.

Here comes the him and Niall portion.

This actually doesn't belong to the "him and Niall" portion simply because I don't think it's a friendship picture if Niall is just creepin' in the background. Also, I literally just noticed him there.

I'm sorry I don't have many pictures of Liam without other people in them. I actually feel bad. But this picture is totes cute so it cheers me up!

"I thought I told ya, HEY, what goes around comes back around."

Their snuggliness is literally one of the greatest joys I've found in this band.



Grow your hair out, punk.

What? Oh, also, Liam's a dork.

GROUP PICTURE TIME!!! Why you should love One Direction:


No context required.

Yes that IS Harry and Louis kissing with masks on! Good eye!

...I'm not really sure either.

So I subtitle A LOT of my saved One Direction pictures with "bbsssssssss" because I am just so genuinely charmed by their easy affection with each other that I just can't not.

"I love it!" This is a band where even the most heterosexual seeming dudes kiss each other.

This is one of my favorite 1D pictures because this giant boypile reminds me of a bunch of snuggly, hyperactive puppies AND I LOVE IT.

I just feel like Zayn's face is kind of leery here, like, yeah Harry. IDK.

Everyone flirts with Liam because, let's be real, it's got to be hard not to.

I'm not sure what Niall is going for here but members of this band like touching Zayn's chest. I'm not saying I don't get it. I'm just QUESTIONING the validity of it happening as frequently as it does.

You know what? I've reviewed the evidence and come to a conclusion: Niall just likes getting his hands in other people's clothes. That's cool bro.

This "gay lasso" business is one of the other best things to come out of this band.

This band equal opportunity loves each other AND IT IS THE BEST.


All the faces in this kill me. Liam is clearly in the middle of saying something, Louis looks kind of amused and like he's humoring the hug, Niall is clearly NOT humoring the hug, Harry is being a creeper as per usual, and Zayn just looks into it. Boyssss <3

Hair ruffling! It's like NIall's his baby brother! Why are they wearing matching outfits!

Okay, Zayn clearly just has a crush on Liam.


Snuggly babies :D

Their Twitters are another constant source of joy for me, despite the fact their complete inability to properly use the English language sometimes feel like I am being stabbed in the soul. Oh well.

SEEEEEEE? Twitter!

There's also, interestingly enough, a weird amount of hair petting in this band.



Well, not Zayn.

I count the following as dance moves only because THEY seem to:


3) THEY ARE SUPER DORKS (note: all the dancing .gifs could also fit under this category)

This never fails to crack me up. Niall is just standing there playing guitar and Louis is just. Sliding his face down the screen door. And Zayn seems fascinated by that.


The best part is Harry, standing there giving an approving thumbs-up. "Yes, continue."

I really feel like this one speaks for itself.

I don't know why this picture exists but I am so glad it does. These are two such disparate acts, happening SIMULTANEOUSLY.

I have to say that Liam's flaw-free hair is really the most important part of this for me.

Two of the people in this .gif are taking their job seriously, two are not. I will leave it up to you to decide which is which.

I closed this section with this because it will always and forever be one of the best things I've seen. Sometimes I look at it when I'm feeling bummed. Zayn giving the thumbs-up! His wrist accidentally colliding with Louis' junk! Zayn's look down! His pure, unadulterated, GENUINE confusion when he sees he is touching Louis' clothed penis! PRICELESS.

4) GENERAL PICTURES (I know that's not a reason, shhhhh)

This is getting really Zayn/Harry heavy for some reason. Sorry :/

ACTUAL QUOTE (taken some what out of context)

For some reason, I decided to create a section just of pictures of the boys sleeping, frequently on each other. This is that section.

The common denominator in most of these appears to be Zayn.

I would say this is a typical One Direction photoshoot.

I just like this picture. Inexplicable puppies!


And this, I am told, is the first EVER picture of them after they were put into One Direction. THEY ARE BABIES.

Hope you enjoyed this primer/pic spam!


primer, one direction, this week the trend, pic spam

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