A Temple Affair

Sep 28, 2008 15:13

It was your everyday, average mission. Rodney had discovered serious energy readings right as they came up to the village and had been practically bouncing. They were close to what he thought a ZPM would yield, and seemed to get stronger the closer they were to the village.

Some quick talking by John and Teyla had gained Rodney and ‘one warrior’ permission to enter the temple. He had chosen Ronon mainly for his brute strength, though he had explained it to John and Teyla by saying that they’d need to be negotiating for whatever it was that he found. John had agreed, and that was what had led to Rodney and Ronon being alone in the temple, looking at what appeared to be many Ancient consoles, all of which lit up as Rodney walked into the room.

Glancing around, Rodney found that it wasn’t only Ancient architecture; clearly the people in the village had been building onto the walls for many, many years. Rodney glanced around, trying to decide what the ‘godhead’ was, since it was the only thing he had been told not to touch. Not that he really cared, of course, but he didn’t want to accidentally turn something on that he shouldn’t, or whatever their taboo was based off of. Not seeing anything, he went to work, hooking his laptop up to the first console and starting his diagnostic, trying to find what the power source was.

Ronon was ignored for almost an hour while Rodney ran diagnostics, and the scientist only looked up when he had to stop to change laptops. That was when he saw Ronon standing next to a box, trying to decide whether or not to open it. “What’s that?” Rodney was up and to Ronon in three steps, as the big man shrugged.

“I dunno.” He clearly didn’t, and it took Rodney a few minutes to decipher what the Ancient lettering on the top said.

“Hmm… This looks promising.” He held out his scanner and found elevated power levels in the box. “Really promising. The top of it says ‘power is for those who have need.’ I think we qualify.”

A few minutes of looking and Rodney nodded. “It’s safe. Let’s get the cover off.” He reached on one side, finding two neatly carved hand-holds on each side. “On the count of three. One… Two… Three.”

They got about two seconds of lift before Ronon grunted in pain and Rodney yelped, dropping his side and pulling his hands away. His left palm was bloody, and as Ronon moved away, it became obvious that his right hand was as well. Rodney wiped at his hand and was shocked to find a mark which covered a large chunk of his palm. It was in blue ink, and it seemed… half of the main mark on the top of the case. “Ronon?” Rodney held out his hand, and Ronon’s mark seemed to match Rodney’s; it was similar to a ying-and-yang symbol from Earth, though Rodney might not have realized that right away. “I think we did something we shouldn’t have.”

Sure enough, villagers soon swarmed in from the doors, and the priest approached Rodney. “You have defiled the godhead.”

Rodney’s eyes widened. “What! We did no such thing! You didn’t even tell us where the godhead was!” His voice was annoyed, verging on panic, especially with John’s eyes on him. He hadn’t meant to break any rules! He was just looking for the power source!

Teyla stepped forward. “I am certain Rodney and… Ronon,” she said, noting how his hand, also, had blood on it, “meant no offense, Terrin.” Her voice was placating, hoping to stop this before it got too out of hand.

The priest shook his head. “They have defiled the temple.” His voice was hard as stone and only Ronon’s good hand clamping onto Rodney’s shoulder shut the scientist up. “They must make amends before the negotiations can proceed.”

Rodney’s eyes grew wide. “What? Amends? What are we supposed to do?” His panic was obvious, and even Ronon’s hand on his shoulder didn’t help keep him silent.

The priest snorted faintly. “This is the temple dedicated to the sensuality of the Ancestors.” Rodney looked around himself as that was said, and realized that, indeed, a lot of the artwork was dedicated to sexual things. He swallowed hard, hoping that whatever the amends were… wouldn’t be too much. He didn’t know what amends would be for a temple dedicated to ‘sensuality’, but it frightened him to think about too much.

The priest smiled as he watched things click for Rodney. “The two offenders must complete an act of sensuality,” he said, nodding firmly. “And reconsecrate the temple.”

Rodney’s eyes went very, very wide. “Me? Ronon? Ah… No, no, you don’t…” He didn’t know what the stand was on Sateda about same-sex relations, but he was pretty sure Ronon wouldn’t take well to this. That wasn’t to say that Rodney hadn’t thought about something like this, of course, once or twice in the privacy of his own quarters. Ronon was pretty hot, and Rodney had a fairly active libido. But… In real life? Yeah. ‘Aliens made us do it’ is really a pretty crappy excuse, or so Rodney thought.

Ronon snorted. “Shut up, McKay.” Rodney turned to look at him and Ronon shrugged. “We screwed up. We’ll fix it. What do we do?”

The priest nodded and began to guide them down the hallway, toward the second largest room in the temple. “This is where newlyweds spend their first night together,” he explained as he pushed the door open, revealing many pillows on the floor, as well as lubricants, food and drink that was apparently replaced every day. A balcony ringed the room. “They perform the consecration of their marriages here, and here you will reconsecrate our temple.” He motioned above, to the balcony. “We will watch from there.”

Rodney gasped. “What? No! No, no, no, no…” He couldn’t imagine actually having sex while he was being watched. It couldn’t be happening. No, this was a dream. A horrible dream.

Again Ronon saved the day. “Fine.” His voice was low. “We’ll do it.”

The priest smiled. “Good. Very good! Well. You may begin whenever you wish.”

Then he was shoving the rest of the crowd out without giving John and Teyla even a moment more to protest.

Rodney turned to Ronon. “I can’t…I can’t…” He was babbling, he knew it, but Ronon shook his head.

“Shut up, McKay. I’ll handle it.” His big hands began to roam over Rodney’s body, soothing and teasing through the layers Rodney wore. “Just pretend you want it… I won’t hurt you.”

Rodney swallowed back a moan. This wasn’t… Wasn’t at all what he had expected. A fantasy was about to come true and yet… not. Oh, so very not. “Ronon, I…” Ronon leaned down and silenced Rodney with a kiss as he shoved the jacket off of Rodney’s shoulders. Rodney decided then that it was foolish to not just… go with it, and so his own hands reached up and began to slide up Ronon’s arms, pushing his leather coat to the floor with a thud.

They were naked in just a few minutes and Rodney found himself on one of the long pillows on the floor. He was able to forget about the…perverts above them, entirely focused on Ronon’s long, lean body above him, and the way that their flesh was sliding together.

Rodney’s babbling soon drifted into a litany of Ronon’s name, though Ronon remained stoically silent. Their coupling seemed to last forever, at least to Rodney, but it was still over far, far too soon. After all, if he was only getting it once he wanted it to be memorable.

They lay together, post coital and relaxed, when suddenly applause rang out from the balcony. Rodney gasped, and a blush that was entirely unrelated to the amazing orgasm he had just experienced covered his pale skin. He rolled quickly to cover himself, scrabbling for his clothes and dressing. He so didn’t want to explain this to Elizabeth.

ronon dex, rodney mckay, rodney/ronon

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