Title: The Way the World Ends
Written By:
faile02Timeline: During and directly after season one
Rating: G
Summary: Daphne was always Brian's biggest advocate.
Author Notes: This is unbeta'd due to a time restraint. Forgive me. This is also my first QaF fic, so any sort of constructive crit would be awesome. 1035 words
The Way the World Ends )
After Justin went inside, you sat in the car for a few minutes and waited. You waited until you saw Michael leave and you waited even longer until you saw Justin again, tucked carefully under Brian's arm.
It ended with a whimper. Brian leaned down to kiss the top of Justin's head, and you knew everything would be alright. You were always Brian's biggest champion, even when Justin had his doubts, you didn't. From your vantage point across the street you could see the look in Brian's eyes. It was love.
You give background information outside of canon that is believable and true to character. Well done.
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