Happy Birthday to me!
I'm exactly one year old here in T-wan. I was thinking how a year ago I left and skipped a day (thank you internat'l date line) and had the most nerve racking flight ever. Today the weather was perfect, much better than a year ago when I arrived, I felt like I had just come out of a time worm since the weather was the same as it was in Seattle. I met Angel and we went for lunch at the world's slowest restaurant. Featuring shitty Italian/Taiwan fusion food.
I'm going out for drinks in a bit to celebrate my T-day.
What else? Pics of my triathlon- that I did finish- in a little over 3 hours-
can be found at
http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=angelhch&book=101I didn't make their super qualifying times- but I finished. Swimming is my strong point, from there it was a steady decline, sorta like the roman empire only with more spandex. I was- no lie, actually passed up by a one-legged man on the run. I have to do another, and train very differently. That's a whole post- how I failed my triathlon. But it was my first- and it was olympic distance not sprint, so the learning curve was harder. I'm researching open water swims. When I register I will update everyone. What else? I really enjoy my job, I love where I'm at. But it's comfortable. And that's dangerous. Not because being happy is bad. But I'm young, and I think now is the time to struggle and push myself. So I have some new options, and rather than just pick one, I'm going try them all and see where the pieces fall. I think though for sure- I will still be somewhere in SE Asia next year. I still don't see living in Seattle as a real possibility. At least not full time. Maybe an annual month long resident. In the summer. When it's hot.
I love you all. I've been really bad- blog=failure, pictures=forever, postcards=sporadic.
I'll see you soon.