May 09, 2004 17:49
Every wonder if you are truly a good person or are you just faking the funk? Are you nice or is it more a selfish thing? I couldnt help but wonder these things today. I was thinking about a lot of things.Questioning everything in life and the way things are supposed to be... Then I was looking at a simple moment. I noticed a guy say something to a girl. She ignored him and kept going with what she was doing. I didnt think much of it but did notice the sad look in the guys eye... You know people dont interact with others unless there is a reason. For him it was the interest in getting to know the girl. But then I thought of it more and of other similar situations. Take saying hello to someone. If you dont reply back, people think it is rude. I mean yes saying hello can be a nice thing. But there is no reason to get mad if the other person doesnt respond back to you. There could have been a number of reasons why. I also find it irritating when "nice" people do nice things and expect it back. If someone is truly nice then they would be understanding. These "nice" people doing nice things dont do it to be nice. They do it to have nice things done back to them even if it is as simple as saying hello. It is purely selfish on there part... This however does give me big insights into my ex. He was really selfish. I remember him yelling at me that everything was about me... me. It was never about me. It obviously has been about him for far to long. I was just blind to it all.... I hurt inside.
With insight comes understanding and growth and healing... I am forgetting what it means to be me... I am a nice person. Because I am truly nice.