(no subject)

Dec 20, 2005 20:18

Title: My so called....

Rating: NC:17

Warning: Slash/Minor Chan/Seme/Uke theme

Pairing: Colin/Jared for now

AN: These people I do not know and I do not own them and I am not sure about their sexuality. I was inspired by My So Called life and Jared and Colin's age difference.

Can we spell angst

Jared and Orlando had their hands around each other's waist as they huddled close together so they could both look into the mirror. They were shocked by their own reflections.

" Woe." Was the only word that Orli could get out as he looked at both of them with wide lined brown eyes.

" Double Woe" Was Jared's response as he looked at both of them up and down with his own lined blue eyes.

Their responces were well deserved at the visions that were in front of them.

Orli looked very sexy in his too short skirt and tight tank top. His almost hairless legs were covered by fishnet stockings. His hair was long, brown and curly with hair pin skulls holding back either side of his hair. His feet were enclosed with heavy, black Frankenstein shoes.

Jared was equally hot with his thigh high,tight black dress and black and white mid thigh knee highs that covered his shapely legs. His straight, light brown hair had two thin braids on each side that were tied at the end with blood red bows. On his feet he wore black ankle boots that zipped up on the sides.

They both decided that they would not stuff their chest. They didn't want anyone to mistake them for girls. They wanted everyone to know that they were boys. But they found that even without the fake boobs there was a chance that they might be mistaken.

They turned to face each other and observed the others handy work. Jared moved over to pinch Orli and listened as he let out a startled, " OUCH, what you do that for."

Jared responded by saying, " I just needed to make sure that this was real." With that said they both started to giggle like they looked.... GIRLS.

A loud knock spooked both of them but just made them laugh louder as they went and opened the door. It was Jared's older brother, Shannon.

" Come on it's time to go for the beginning of the end. Or in other words school." He turned not even looking at them but then he stopped mid step and did a 90 degree turn. The shocked look on his face was priceless and Jared wished he had his camera.

" What in the name of Jesus and all that is unholy are you two wearing. You wanna give the nuns heart attacks and the priests hardons. If I was a better brother I would tell both of you to go back in that room and change your skanky asses into something decent like.... guys clothes but I'm not. So get in the fucking car and I'll meet you out there but first I have to get my brass knuckles in case some bastard thinks he has the right to beat you two up."

Jared watched as his brother walked away and was very giddy. He was glad he had the brother he had. Most people didn't. Orli and he made the trip to the car with their book bags slung behind their backs. On there short walk they heard at least three whistles and they couldn't help but giggle.

They both jumped in the back of the beat up,rusty,blue painted,1976 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible that he loved and hoped his brother left in his will for him.

Jared found that his hand enclosed in Orli's hand. That had happened a lot and probabl was why everyone thought that they were together but holding hands for them was just another way of them to let each other know that they were there for each other. It was their security blanket.

The slam of the door alerted them that Shannon was in the front seat. He turned on the radio and they all heard the blast of 'Green Days, Wake me up when September ends'.

This was going to be a very interesting year.

AN: I hope you like please review.
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