(no subject)

Dec 20, 2005 17:41

Title: My so called....

Rating: NC:17

Warning: Slash/Minor Chan/Seme/Uke theme

Pairing: Colin/Jared for now

AN: These people I do not know and I do not own them and I am not sure about their sexuality. I was inspired by My So Called life and Jared and Colin's age difference.

Can we spell angst

Jared looked into the mirror with sleepy eyes. It was an hour until his Junior year at St.Rita High School started.

He was seventeen years old and was going to graduate next year but he looked exactly the same as he did yesterday. He looked exactly the same as he did 'LAST YEAR', for Christ's sake.

He was 5'6 and as much as his grandma said he was going to grow, he didn't beleive her. His brown hair was chin long. He decided to let it grow long with his facial hair so he could look like a rocker. The saddening parts was that the beard 'DIDN'T GROW'.

He was going to shave his head but didn't want to risk looking like a skin head. The only thing he was happy about was that his best friend, Orli, tried to do the same thing and also failed. So now they could look like girls together.

Jared was taken out of his woe by the heavy knock at the door and his brother's screeching voice.

" Jay, open the fucking door. Your boyfriend is here." Jared rolled his eyes. It didn't matter how may times he told his family that him and Orli weren't going out. They only believed what they wanted to believe.

" Hey,Orli. I thought you said you were gonna come right before school started. You're an hour early." Jared turned as he finished the sentence.

As he did that he was instantly suspicious of Mr.Bloom. Besides the book bag in his hand he also had an extra two bags that looked heavy. It just wasn't that that made him worry. Orli had an unusually innocent look on his face that just didn't suit the England born boy.

" Ok, Bloom. Spill it." Jared demanded. Orlando in response gave a dazzling smile before he climbed on Jared's favorite chair with his dirty shoes which irked Jared a little.

" Today my brother I bring you the enlightenment. As you know, both of us have been whining like bitches about how the arsholes at school who will beat the shit out of us and call us girls. Yesterday my sister told me her piece of mind and I recount.....

" Orli, if you can't beat the arsholes, which I'm sure you and your scrawny friend can't, you should join them. If they say your a girl then.... dress like a girl. Show them you don't care what they say and make a point."

With that Orlando dropped the contents of the bags on the floor. What fell out were clothes.... girl's clothes.... punk girl clothes that belonged to Sam, Orlando's older sister.

" Oh, hell no. This is the first day of Junior year. I don't want everyone to think I've become a freak." Jared had gotten shit when he and Orli came out last year but this was taking it to far. " We should just paint rainbow colored bullz eyes on our shirts and say ' COME AND GET IT.'" With that Jared let out a puff and crossed his arms over his chest in a resolute form.

" Are you done with your little hissy fit 'cause if you are..... let's get back to the issue at hand. Now, don't make me beg ,Jay..... Please, please, please.... Come on. It will be fun. Can you imagine it." By this time Orli had his hands on Jared's shoulder and was in for the long term fight.

" Me in that black Sinful Skull Tee and The Tripp Black and Red Plaid Pleated Skirt with the big,safety pins in the front with the fishnets of course. Then you.... in the Black And White Polka Dot Lolita Dress. You should wear the black and white tights with it. And we both could wear the Tripp Black Handcuff and Spike Wrist Cuff. A little eyeliner and bang. Punk girl fashion."

Jared let out a huff knowing that he was gonna agree but there was still a little fight left in him. " Why can't we just get our hair cut and no one will know that we looked like girls for three months."

" Jay, this isn't just a stupid idea. This is a chance for us to say fuck you to all those arsholes that bullied us after we came out. We could be our own statement and show them we are not afraid." Jared could here the serious tone in Orli's voice. This meant a lot to him.

" Ok, Orli. For you.... but under no circumstances am I going to wear your sister's thongs. A boy has standards." With smirks on their faces, Orli and Jay got dressed for their first day of Junior year.


AN: In a whiny voice: What you think, what you think. Please be nice and please leave....... COMMENTS
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