May 20, 2016 12:43
The Mother stopped me while I was outside obtaining plastics, and we spoke at some length about faith, Jesus, and where we (*we*) all are in our personal paths. It was enlightening to a point. I maintained my manners and tried to be cordial. She told me she liked me, but perhaps a little less now. Moving sure has been a pain in a variety of ways.
I returned to the bar with the JP-lookalike and K. Penis stabbing had briefly become the topic du jour.
The conversation before had sparked some further concern in my mind as it had already been festering. I do not claim to know the state of one's spiritual fate, nor do I have any right or desire to judge another for their actions - whether they are in "Jesus' footsteps" or not. But I was not alone in my concerns for the health and well-being of a loved one, and that was less comforting than it should have been.
I still feel very much in the dark about things I technically still have no right to shed light upon. I will not pursue those feelings. Instead, I will continue to believe what I am told and what I am shown, and I will maintain the path I have been set upon of late. Forgiveness, kindness, understanding, honesty, and I suppose faith.
Two people have told me that they don't know how to handle "happy Patrick" this week. I simply tell them I like it. And that - truly - is all that matters.