Apr 09, 2006 10:36
With patience, rest, lots of stretching, and a bit of research, the soreness in my left knee and lower leg has dissipated. Over the past week I have rested my leg, done lots of stretching, and generally just listened to my body. I also did some research on the internet, and while the previous injuries I've sustained to my left knee and ankle haven't helped, I believe the soreness was mainly due to the muscles, which have to compensate for the weaknesses, being overworked. I took a good look at my running journal and found that my weekly distances were inconsistent. Not a good thing, especially for me.
So yesterday, after extensive stretching and a brief warm up, I went out for a slow and easy 3K run. I didn't take any music with me, just listened to the feedback my body was giving me. Took lots of walk breaks and didn't rush it. Afterwards, did more extensive stretching, and stretched again in the evening. I am happy to say that my leg feels great, feels strong, and this week I will be getting my training back on track. Slow and steady this time, nothing too crazy.
And new running shoes should help :-) Gotta love that tax return.