I knew I was on to something.
Ever since I fell in love with this Balenciaga strass necklace last May...
And the August cover of Vogue showed the same Balenciaga necklace...
I had a few sleepless nights and then realized that I had to have one -- and it would be my last big purchase this year. So with the help of my New York-based fairy godfriend PJ, I got this...
From Balenciaga FW08
It's not the same Balenciaga I was infatuated with, but this one certainly got me hooked. I was in LOVE with it. And it set me back more than the Kate Moss necklace would have. PJ had to fight for this particular piece. A high-profile NY socialite so wanted this (initials: MR). And the high-powered woman A.W. has it. But we won. Little me in the 3rd world. I've been waiting a month for it. And in a few days, it'll be here.
I'm not in the habit of talking about my purchases. But this was just too good. I don't know when and how I'll wear it. The strass (vintage rhinestones/crystals) come from Cristobal Balenciaga's own collection.
I guess Anna Wintour is on to something here too. Again... strass/rhinestone choker is on the cover of September Vogue.
There are rhinestone chokers everywhere. We're in the land of pseudo beauty pageants in every barangay. I'm sure rhinestone necklaces are sold everywhere. And I figured H&M, Topshop and even Carolinas can come up with a similar necklace as what Daria and Kate are wearing in the top two photos. But my little special runway strass... is close to being one of a kind. Remember, A.W. also has it. Sigh....
I can't wait til this weekend!
Thanks PJ!