(no subject)

May 14, 2005 02:30

it has come to my attention that due to lack of posting, no one has been reading my lj.
but as i have some free time tonight, this will be changed.

in life changing events:
i love egg crate mattresses are the most amazing things ever, they make sleeping amazing

and in other news
i have finished two of my finals, physics are core
my core final was this simple prompt "connect augustine conffesions to 13 of the works we read this semmester, please use quotes" plain and simple, it sucked like a hover vacume witha pegasis engine

hopefully i will be coming home in about 4 weeks, im taking a 3 week vacation in seattle to spend time with laura (my girlfriend)

other than finals things have been calm, nothing to exciting
but its late so im going to retire
good night my lj buddies, my kings of new england
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