Apr 25, 2005 11:26
sorry for the long break between entries, school has picked up, and ironicaly- only due to a Core essay, am i able to make this post.
my teacher made the mistake of assigning a creative project where we were to add a chapter to the gospil of luke. many ideas went through my head befor i settled on a final topic, and i wrote some of these ideas down
it started with jesus noire, but that didnt pan out. then i reformed and did jesus getting tempted by the devil- wrote half of it bu couldnt think of enough temptations. then (and this is the one i will show you) jesus and doc brown. yes, for a moment i was serusly thinking about turning it in. in the end i wrote a parable about a highschool fashion queen getting ousted by the new girl from new york, but non the less, on to Doc Brown and Jesus. the work is unfinished
Jesus strolls outside Jerusalem, walking through the aisles of a large bizarre. Each booth sells a different product. Some booths sell fresh vegetables, others rugs and some fresh loafs of bread. As Jesus strolls through the bazaar he came across a psychic’s booth.
Taken by his power, she eagerly called out to the young Jesus “young man, wise man- please come here and sit with me” Jesus walked over to the booth and joined the old psycic on her rug. Her eyes stare out into the infinite sky, blind from birth. Unable to see what is in front of her eyes, she eagerly looks into the minds eye, drawing from the great power surrounding jesus she has a vision. After waking up from her trance she begins to speack “ I see a great adventure in your future.” Jesus replied to the pshycic “I know the coarse of my future for it is written in the books of the profits” to this the pshycic replied “the future of you life may be written in words, but your story has yet to be told, with each step you take you will write the tale of your journey on this earth. And as you know so well you do not just take the steps that the profits fortold but also the step you choose to take yourself, be weary where you set your foot.” The psysic slips back into another trance, her eyes search frantically across the horizon, until she centers on a spot high in the cloudes. She says “oh son of most powerful. You are about to learn of the deeds of your father, and how your father worked in the past”
Just then, a bolt of lightening strikes the ground and out of nowhere appears a strange silver cart rolling down the street tword the bazzar faster than a galloping horse. It begins to come to a stop as it nears the edge of the bazzar. Smoke lingers around the edges of the vehicle. The sound of escaping steam fills the air. A hatch on the side of the cart flips up, and out steps a gray hair man in a white coat.
“jesus, ive got not time to explain but we have to go save the future”
jesus, with out even flinching replies “let us go then”
jesus steps into the silver contraption. The inside is filled with knobs and contraptions of all sorts. Jesus asks the gray haird man his name. “jesus, im Doc Brown, and this my delorian time machein, and we about to go back in time” Doc fiddles with some nobs until the dash reads “2000 B.C.E” then grabing onto the wheel infront oh him, doc turn the delorian around and begins to accelerate. And in a great big boom, jesus, doc and the car disappear into thin air.
Jesus and doc brown now find themselves coming to a stop in the middle of a field of wheat. Doc stears the car into a grove of trees, and they step out of the dolorian. Jesus says “where are we Doc?” “well jesus, we are right outside the city of Sodom and gomorah. And they are about to be destroyed in 5 days. And I came back in time to get you because someone has been tampering with the future. Just yesterday, in my time a great city appeared, a city refered to a S&G. this was city rife with curroption, with no morals, and nothing to its name. the streets are filled with swindlers and prostatues who will shoot your for your shoe laces. And when I looked into this, it appears that the city of sodam and gohmorah was never destroyed in biblical times. Now I stopped by befor I came to get you and looked things over. It appears lot is being held prisoner by a corrupt sherrif being paid off by a rich banker. So I came to get you jesus because you’re the only one that can help”