(no subject)

Feb 14, 2006 16:18

We are becoming blind. They are blinding us. This highly maintained corporation is poisoning our system. Only on these certain days are we able to see love; to see happiness; to give. Are other days not meant for loving one; for giving to one; for happiness. Are we bombarded with flashes of non-existing signs that point us in certain directions of which they want us to take. For they would die for our wealth, our bills, because that is what they feed off of. That is was feeds them. We are being controlled, body and mind. Let us break away and show that we can do this everyday, that we can love and give and be happy everyday. Life may present you with obstacles and you may feel as if you can not love; can not be happy, but we are capable of jumping over those obstacles as they appear to us. Let us be the ones to direct this era into the right light. We are the successors of tomorrow, we are the brains of future plans for our generation. Let us not be blinded and feel as if only a selected few days in this 12-month period are to be seen as days of glory, as days of which we spend our time and make memories. A rose may symbolize something but not to me, chocolates, teddy-bears may get you an extra second of smiles but that is all.. Why don't we give our thoughts and feelings instead of gifts. Give a gift of which only you and I can see, as one. A mind game. Perhaps my views of this day are off, and perhaps you do not agree at all.. but why let one day be the day you show love for someone.. Why can't it be everyday. Love could last forever, but not if you only show it once in a blue moon.

And then the other side of this for some; why even love at all? What is love, truly? Perhaps we should not show love to other human beings, but to ourselves. I am not trying to make a debate issue here. But maybe at this time, I just can not make my views as clear for you to read and understand as I would like to. And for that, I am sorry.
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