(no subject)

Jun 04, 2010 02:47

I've decided I want to start flexing my creative* writing muscle again. It's been a while since I wrote on my Get the Fuck Outta My Office site (yeah, it's a "site". I hate calling it a "blog") and reading some of my old posts, I remember actually having a lot of fun writing it.

Might not be a daily thing anymore, but it will be very regularly. The daily thing sort of got to me at times. I'd find myself searching for something, anything to rant about at the end of the day. It was forced creativity and didn't always make for the best writing. I prefer to keep it fun, clever, and humourous as best I possibly can.

If interested, venture over. Get the Fuck Outta My Office!

Got a couple of new posts there to get you started again. ;)

*I use this term loosely...
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