Feb 06, 2008 00:12
There are pressing issues at hand here, folks. They're taking away our goddamn freedoms.
For some, perhaps, that's your first clue to stop reading because, I'm sure you know the jist of the rest already.
Apparently I need to stay my ass away from those "Anti" videos, as I'll call them for lack of a better term. Zeitgeist, The Corporation, etc. Everytime I watch them I get all worked up. But I started watching this new one I just heard about at work tonight, but I couldn't finish it. It's called America: Freedom to Fascism.
The upper 1 percent are fucking us in the ass. It's a money game, that's all. Everything is this country is about money. Money and power. Control. The upper 1 percent only seek to control everyone else. These laws, these taxes, everything, is all about their overwhelming greed.
I hope these fucking bankers sleep like babies, all tucked up in their stupid fucking beds in their stupid fucking mansions on their stupid fucking estates. Their taking away our freedoms and giggling like schoolgirls about it.
Everything's becoming electronically tracked and monitored. They've got all our personal information. And they're pushing it even further. It's become damn near impossible to live the opposite too. All the bank cards. Driver's licenses. Health cards. Social security shit. It's all electronic and monitored and they're phasing out the alternative so you CAN'T live the alternative.
They're pushing it further and it seems like only a handful of people are actually trying to stop it. Everybody's become an ostrich, buying their heads in the sand and hoping it will go away. But it AIN'T going away. They're snatching your freedoms slowly but surely, just slowly enough so you don't realize it's happening.
I'm not saying everything in those movies is completely true, but I like to get people to watch them so they'll at least THINK about these things. We need more of them. The more we have, the more people will see them and start thinking (ideally).
I don't want a national ID card, I don't want microchips, I don't want the Amero, and I don't want a North American Union. It's a goddamn plot to control more and more things.
This world is one big Sims game for these people. And I hope to fuck their computer crashes real soon.