So real life has seriously gotten in the way of my LJ posting lately. RUDE. I ran my very first 10k yesterday, and it sort of knocked me out for a while. I literally fell asleep at 9 PM last night. So I've been a bit absent, and VERY late on a few things, but I have spent the day catching up on the interwebs, and hey look, memes!
Holiday Memes, Five Things Meme, general flailing and/or ranting...the usual, basically. )
4 & 5. Just, yes.
6. BUT "VD" IS NO LESS LOL-SOUNDING? And ooh, where did you get that "improbably excellent" description from? Also yes to all your feels.
7. ALL OF THE FEELS FOREVER. Because yes, my #1 reason for my love for the characters I love is: because they're fucked up. It's not because they're heroic or gorgeous or bad-ass or make great boyfriends. It's because their fucked-up-ness reaches into my soul~ to my own fucked-up-ness, which basically means I will love them no matter what. I ain't even mad. (Only, what post of mine are you referring to? Because I went out of my way not to ramble about Damon in my most recent one, hahahahaha.) And, just, this: They’re fucked up, complex, literal monsters, but that doesn’t mean we can’t love them anyway. And that is brave storytelling. -- CO-FUCKING-SIGNED. Seriously. I have to lol when people rant at me about how awful and horrible Damon is and how I can like him, because dude, all of the reasons he is unlikable ARE WHY I LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF HIM. No apologies.
8. THE FEELS DO NOT STOP. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? It’s like Stockholm Syndrome. I am held captive by the perpetual unhappiness of these ships, and then I crave them like oxygen. -- omfg. ARE YOU ME? Seriously, I just cannot for the life of me ship things that are easy. If it's not causing me misery of some sort, I DON'T CARE. I am a masochist, and I ain't even mad. Except I AM mad, I'm furious, BUT I NEED THAT FURY TO SURVIVE~ It's like, "when did you start shipping Damon/Elena?" "Oh you know that time he snapped her brother's neck in front of her nbd." As soon as it became abundantly clear that THIS IS AND NEVER WILL BE A ROMANCE THESE FUCKERS DO NOT GET A HAPPY ENDING… fuck. TAKE MY HEART I DON'T EVEN NEED IT ANYMORE. no amount of therapy will fix my issues.
9. Haha, if you want some icon comm. recs, I have a motherload.
10. A-FUCKING-MEN. Because you're right, that shit is fucking hilarious. I know I should be appalled when Damon snaps necks, but a part of me just thinks "FANTASTIC". It's not that I approve... BUT ACTUALLY YEAH I KINDA DO? lol, TV.
p.s. THE STUPID BITCH WON'T LET ME COMMENT so I am sending my love here: I FEEL LIKE I HAVE KNOWN YOU ALL MY LIFE~ We so have sympathetic sensibilities, and your straight up unapologetic attitude about the things you love is a thing of fucking awesome. Never be anything but yourself. I AM GLAD YOU COMMENTED ON ONE OF MY POSTS RANDOMLY THAT ONE TIME AND THEN WE BECAME FRIENDS. ♥
I want to re-read Mrs. Dalloway so much now. I NEED MORE TIME. I love that my flist is secretly super intelligent and well-read (not really secretly). One day we should do a book meme or something. Because I am actually addicted to memes now.
VD is SO RIDICULOUS. That freaking "Catch VD" campaign ruined any chance I had of sounding credible when I talk about this show. WHY, CW, WHY DO YOU DO THIS?
7. I am with you 10000000%. Dysfunction appeals to me because I'm dysfunctional. Who wants to watch perfect people waltz about being perfect?
Only, what post of mine are you referring to? Because I went out of my way not to ramble about Damon in my most recent one.
You have more will-power than I, my friend. But I'm talking about your most recent post. Even if it wasn't about Damon, it applies to him (and to pretty much every other character I've loved beyond reason in my lifetime). FOUR FOR YOU Glen Coco.
8. BRAIN TWINS, BASICALLY (and messed up twisted soul twins?).
10. I'm not even going to pretend I don't approve. At least of the random strangers. Extras only exist on TVD to get killed. Why not get killed hilariously?
P.S. Those are some of the sweetest things anyone's ever said to me. You are the greatest, for so many reasons. THAT DAY I CREEPED ON YOUR WALL WAS A GLORIOUS DAY.
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