TVD 3x22: "It's Mystic Falls. Nothing bad ever happens here." (Part I)

May 22, 2012 21:02

Hello, all. Remember me? I know this recap is so absurdly late that it's more than likely that no one cares anymore. Alas. This took me FOREVER to write, and I am damn well posting it, even if no one ever reads it. However, I am posting it in two parts, because I have officially reached the limit of what LJ will allow me to post in one entry. YEAH ( Read more... )

fuck my otp, a filter what is it?, tvd, i am in a state, the vampire diaries, sometimes i do things i don't have to do, watching the sun rise as i type

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Part 1 badboy_fangirl May 23 2012, 23:05:07 UTC
Okay, for reals:

From the very first second, Damon has me. I am helpless to this man. His absolute judgmental horror at Jeremy's actions is flat out hilarious. To be fair, Jeremy has a point: unconscious sister? Go to hospital. But that's a human solution, and there's no place for that anymore. But Damon's "parade of vampires" comment made me gleeful, so thanks, Jeremy, for fucking up and providing me with lolz.
Your love of Damon is legit why I read every word you post even if it takes me hours to do so. You justify all of my feelings and make me feel so not alone in my utter worship of him. He is just perfect, at all times.

So I was trying to figure out the significance of the items in Damon's storage space ("minifridge, a couple birdcages, box full of playboys"), and I realized in a moment of glorious clarity that the birdcages are TOTALLY FOR DAMON'S CROW! BALDAVINO!!!!! It's the only answer. I died. I died of joy.
I did not pick up on that at all, but did you see this:

It's from Price Peterson's photo recaps which are hilarious. Just had to share.

I can't copy & paste all your Stefan/Elena!surprise kiss vs. Damon/Elena!surprise kiss, but I do agree with them. And I hope it was all on purpose, because OTHERWISE, WHAT ARE WE LIVING FOR??? OMG. I just cannot handle Elena saying she *should* be with Stefan while Damon *consumes* her and believe that it's anything other than what I believe it to be: denial before we get on with the REAL story here. And I wouldn't even mind if the Damon/Elena relationship had elements of destruction and that perhaps there was some level of him bringing out the bad in her--except that I think we already see that, and you touch on it so profoundly with:
There is a marked difference to the way she reacts to Damon vs. the way she reacts to Stefan, and it feels like a betrayal.
Because Elena is her rawest and most honest with Damon so often and there is not that element between her and Stefan--I mean, even when she tries to be honest with him, he shuts her down, or doesn't respond.

Flashback time! Elena's ditched family night, and I must admit, this scenario is actually rather different than how I imagined it initially. I always thought Elena sort of snuck off and/or insisted upon going off and partying, but here it seems like she just sort of asked her parents if she could go to the bonfire instead and they happily said yes. Which, yay to functional family life, but also, it severely lessens the degree of guilt I thought Elena felt for her parents' death. Not that she feels any less guilty, but something about the situation was so understanding and comfortable that it altered my head!canon. Whatever.
I always had this impression too, but in a way it fits with Elena--she blames herself for everything, so her blaming herself when she's comforting Stefan in 1x20 is sort of the definition of Elena: it was hardly as dramatic as she makes it, and yet, that's her recollection? Very interesting characterization of her.


Part 2 badboy_fangirl May 23 2012, 23:12:16 UTC
Ok, but I have complaints. And questions. What is Stefan doing, suddenly shipping Damon/Elena? This doesn't really make sense to me.
I took this to mean that Stefan felt that Elena would have chosen Damon--she almost said something to him before he left her earlier, and then he went back and surprised!kissed her because he thought that was going to be his last chance to do it. He's convinced himself that is Damon she'd choose, and if that's the case, how awful that Damon will never get his moment. It's much more about Damon there, because for all his innumerable flaws, Stefan does love Damon. That's how I see it, anyway.

And all of the feels for the phone call. There's just nothing more to say that what you've said, other than: I'M GUTTED, STILL TWO WEEKS LATER. And this:
Elena trusts Damon in a way she doesn't trust Stefan - she trusts him to be ok without her. So this is her only option. She will go to Stefan, because he needs her, and Damon doesn't. He does, of course, but not in the same way. This is something gloriously wonderful about D/E. Elena has never felt responsible for Damon. Damon doesn't let Elena be his saviour. They are two individual people who need each other, but don't need each other to survive. It's a testament to their strength as people.
ALL THE TEARS. Yes, this is what is so beautiful about them, and why they are epic, and why they will happen eventually.

On to part deux!


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